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"You have no idea how bad it gets."
— Unknown


"Cor, wake up!"

The strawberry-blonde woke up to find herself on Finnick's back as he was running through the jungle. Panic surged through her veins.

"What's going on?"

"Fog. Poisonous gas. Can you run?"

"Yeah. Where are Katniss and Peeta?" Cora asked as she jumped off of his back.

"Behind us."

Cora looked behind them as she ran and saw the fog, rising ominously in the not-so distance. Then she saw the teenagers, Katniss struggling to get Peeta to keep up, especially with all the undergrowth.

"Finn, they need help!" she shouted, both of them stopping.

They couldn't fight the fog. So, they shouted words of encouragement, trying to help guide the other two through the dark. The teenagers seemed to be doing okay. But then Peeta fell.

"Finn..." Cora began.

"Already on it. Wait here," he instructed before running off to haul Peeta along.

Cora, unable to just stand and do nothing, ran after him to help Katniss, who was also having trouble standing.

When the fog made contact with her skin, Cora screamed. It was worse than anything she'd felt in her life. She gritted her teeth and hauled Katniss onto her back, which was difficult because Katniss was a little taller than her, and tried to carry the girl. Katniss protested at first, but stopped when she realized that it was no use.

Finnick carried Peeta while Cora carried Katniss. They ran, though the poison in the fog seemed to be causing nerve damage. Their bodies twitched uncontrollably but they managed to stay upright, running diagonally down the hill. At the bottom of that hill was the beach, and the sea that it led to. The fog was almost enveloping them, but they tripped, toppling down the hill and onto the shore.

No one could get up. They were going to die.

Cora's eyes could have been playing tricks on her, but she could've sworn she saw the fog stop and fly over them as if held back by glass. Maybe the Gamemakers weren't through with them yet.

Confused but out of immediate danger, they tried to crawl towards the water. Cora and Katniss were able to get there first, having taken the least damage from the fog.

The water burned worse than the fog itself when it made contact with their skin, almost enough to make the both of them pass out. But there was this sensation of drawing out that kept them in the water. The poison was leaving their bodies.

When Peeta saw what they were doing, he too went to the water.

Katniss immersed herself in it first, head to toe so that her screams weren't heard above the water. She resurfaced with her boils gone.

"Peeta next," Cora groaned in pain.

Katniss helped immerse the blonde boy in the water until he was clear of the boils too.

Then, it was Cora's turn. The pain was blinding, especially on her face, but it was worth it to feel the poison leaving her body. When she was healed enough, through the pain, she managed to say "Finn." The teenagers understood what she meant and helped him into the water as well.

The man had gotten the worst of it, Cora wasn't sure why. Regardless of the reason, it hurt her to hear his pained groaning as the water washed away the poison. Finnick's head rested in Cora's lap while Katniss and Peeta helped cover him with the water.

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