The Games

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"The strongest evidence of love is sacrifice."
—Carolyn Fry


The first look went fine, though his costume was a little more showy than a fourteen-year-old's costume should be.

The interviews went fine, he mentioned his family and an unnamed friend who told him to survive. Again, his costume was a little too showy for a fourteen-year-old.

He played the "confident and flirty" role perfectly. The Capitol was loving him. Too bad he was bound to die– no one under fifteen had ever won the games.

Cora and the Odairs had been glued to the projector screen since the reaping. When the games weren't being aired, Cora was preparing meals and doing laundry– anything to make it easier on the family.

Lyra said that Finnick always used to braid her hair, so Cora practiced braiding the blonde girl's hair. Cora (who began to get rather good at braids) braiding Lyra's hair seemed to calm both girls down.

Sean was often over too, just being there for Lyra in silent support or helping Cora with the household chores.

There wasn't much conversation in the house. Everyone was too worried that what they were watching of Finnick would be the last they'd see of him alive.

Ocean and Reef asked her why helping the Odairs was so important to her. After all, she did hate Finnick. Right?

She replied that she didn't know why it mattered. But, since it did, she wasn't just going to sit and feel bad– she was going to help in any way she could.

That's what Evangeline would've encouraged her to do. What Harp would've been proud of her for.

And so, Ocean and Reef took care of Blue while Cora and Sean spent their time taking care of the Odairs.

The games had started about two weeks prior, Coral and Reef had turned fourteen and Finnick was still alive.

He had allied with an older boy from District 5 (the careers didn't bother to ally with him, he was too young). The girl from 8 ended up stabbing the boy from 5 with a sword.

That was when Finnick had forgotten himself and said that he hated the Capitol. Shortly after that, he strung the rest of his opponents in a net and speared them with his trident.

Cora and the Odairs rejoiced. Finnick was coming home!

Sean wasn't at the Odairs that day. Ocean had kept him home because he missed his little brother.

It was a good thing that the younger boy wasn't around. Because about an hour after Finnick's victory, peacekeepers rushed into the house and killed Mr. and Mrs. Odiar.

They were about to kill Lyra when Cora found her nerve and spoke up (and started hitting the peacekeepers with a wooden spoon).

"Wait! Don't kill her! I want to talk to President Snow! I have a proposition for him!" The fourteen year-old girl screamed.

And, by some miracle, the peacekeeper in charge listened to her.

In Panem, they don't teach anyone about any god. But Cora felt that some sort of mysterious higher power, if there was such thing, was looking out for her that day.

In only a few moments, Cora Newport was face-to-face with President Snow (on a screen, but still).

Lyra was in another room with the peacekeepers, alive.

"Hello, Miss Newport," drawled the president.

"You know my name?" She asked, trying her hardest to keep the fear out of her voice.

"When a fourteen-year-old girl from District 4 attacks my peacekeepers, asking for an audience with me, I know her name."

Cora nodded in understanding.

"It is my understanding that you have a proposition for me."

"Yes. You want to punish him, right?"

"If, by 'him', you mean Mr. Odiar, then yes. What he said was treasonous. I cannot let that go unpunished."

"Okay, well, if you take away everything that he loves, he'll only continue to rebel. Right?" She didn't wait for his answer. "So, leave him something to stay compliant for."

"I thought this was a proposition, Miss Newport. While the advice of a teenage girl is truly worthwhile, I was hoping for something more. If you cannot offer me something worthwhile, then I'll have no choice but to continue my original course of action."

"Yes, right! By the next games, I'll still be fourteen. And I'll volunteer. I promise I'll make it worthwhile. I'm very resourceful and I have a great sob story that the Capitol citizens will love. Plus, no one has ever volunteered at fourteen before, right?"

"That would be correct, Miss Newport. If you do not volunteer for the next games and if you do not prove to be a captivating tribute, I will finish what was started here today. I will do the same if you tell anyone about our agreement. If asked, you will say that I decided to be merciful, no strings attached. Is that understood?"


"I'm glad we understand each other. I will see you next year, Miss Newport."

"Likewise, President Snow."


Coral Newport had just done the impossible.

A freshly fourteen-year-old girl from District 4 had gotten the president of Panem to listen to her. And, in doing so, signed a silent death warrant for herself.

But she was able to keep part of her promise.

Lyra was alive.

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