Chapter 5

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After thanking Mrs. Weasley, Harry and I walked through the train for at least ten minutes before finding a compartment to sit in. The ginger boy from earlier was sitting there, alone.

"Do you mind if we sit here?" Harry asked.

"Go ahead," he replied, putting his trunk away.

We sat down, and Harry started talking.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"Ron, Ron Weasley," Ron said.


"Harry Potter, and you're Lillian Potter!" he interrupted, looking excited.

"Yeah, and apparently I'm famous or something," I flipped my hair dramatically.

Harry rolled his eyes.

They started talking about stuff I didn't care about, so I decided to go look for friends. Or victims to annoy.

I went into the next compartment. There were some older kids in there.

"Uh, hi guys," I said in a friendly tone.

They all stared at me for some reason.

"Are you really Lillian Potter?" one of them gasped. The rest of the kids looked shocked and excited.

"Yep, that's me," I smiled, a bit uncomfortable.

"Wow!" a different girl exclaimed. "Everyone in the train was saying you and Harry were in that compartment, but I didn't really believe it!"

Hagrid had briefly explained to Harry why people knew us, but I didn't think that everyone I encountered would already know me...

"Well, see you all later," I said awkwardly, starting to feel uncomfortable, and exited the compartment.

No more making friends for me.

On the train, people had kept asking Harry and I if it was really us, which made us have to show our scars a lot. Other than that, it was really fun. I could tell that Harry and I were going to be best friends with Ron. Ron was really nice to us, and really funny, too.

We also met a girl named Hermione Granger, who was a know it all, and a clueless boy named Neville who had lost his slimy toad. Plus, Harry and I had gotten a ton of candy from the trolley.

A boy named Draco tried making friends with Harry and I, but he was obviously a jerk, so we refused. Plus, he made fun of the Weasleys for no reason, and that was the final straw.

After we arrived at Hogwarts, we had to cross this big lake in these little boats. There was this giant squid, which was pretty shocking to see, but interesting at the same time.

Once we entered the school soaking wet and shivering, an old hat started singing. I was so excited that I actually payed attention for once in my life.

I learned that there were four houses, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Gryffindor. Basically, Hufflepuff was for the loyal, Ravenclaw for the smarties, Slytherin for the jerks, and Gryffindor for the brave.

The hat started calling names. I was more excited than nervous, and wanted to get up there already.


It sat on her head for a few seconds, then called out-



There was a bunch of gasps and whispering at her name. Was she famous too? 

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