Chapter 18

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Once the four of us started getting closer to Hagrid's, we slowed down to catch our breath.

"Lily, there's something I need to tell you," Harry said quietly. "When I took my Divination exam, Trelawney went all weird... I think she made a real prediction."

"Like, weirder than usual?" I whispered as we approached Hagrid's hut.

"Her voice was completely different. She said that Voldemort was alone and friendless, his followers abandoned him," Harry said. "His servant has been chained, she said, and she said, I dunno, I think it was before midnight, that the servant would break free and rejoin Voldemort, and he's going to rise again and be more terrible than before."

"What?" I hissed, panic rising. "Harry, we have to tell Dumbledore! This is horrible-"

"Trelawney said what?" Ron whispered, his brown eyes full of terror.

"Forget it, we'll talk about it later," Harry said, and knocked on Hagrid's door. Hagrid swung the door open, pale and trembling, but his eyes widened when he realized it was just us.

"What are you lot doin' here?" Hagrid said, looking around and pulling us inside. He quickly shut the door behind us. "Yeh shouldn've come!"

"We had to," Hermione said.

It killed me to see Hagrid like this. I mean, he couldn't even pour tea because he was shaking so bad. He spilled the milk everywhere as he filled up the jug.

"Hagrid, where's Buckbeak?" I asked, looking at him with pity.

Hagrid spilled the milk, tears brimming in his eyes.

"Nice going, smart one," Harry muttered. I rolled my eyes. Someone had to ask!

"I-I took him outside," Hagrid said. "He's tethered in me pumpkin patch. Thought he oughta get some fresh air before-"

The milk jug smashed on the floor. It startled me, and I jumped, grabbing Harry's arm quickly. I was sort of on edge for some reason, obviously not nearly as bad as Hagrid, though.

"I'll do it," Hermione said, rushing over to help clean the mess.

"Is there anything we can do, Hagrid?" Harry asked determinedly. "Dumbledore-"

"He's tried," Hagrid interrupted. "He's got no power ter overrule the Committee. He told em' Buckbeak's all right, but yeh know what Malfoy's like... Threatened em', I expect... But it'll be quick an' clean... An' I'll be beside him..."

Hagrid swallowed harshly, tears about to brim over.

"What if I distracted those old prats, and we let Buckbeak go?" I asked. "I know it sounds crazy, but-"

"Lily, that could land Hagrid in Azkaban! Are you crazy?" Hermione said.

"Well, maybe I am! But-"

"No," Hagrid said. "Yeh can't do that, Lily, I won't let ya. Dumbledore's comin' down while- while it happens, he wrote me this mornin'. Said he wanted ter be with me, great man, Dumbledore..."

Hermione brought the new jug over.

"Why can't we stay with you too, Hagrid?" I asked. "I want to be there for you, I don't see why not-"

"Yeh're ter go back up ter the castle. I told yeh, I don' wan' yeh watchin'. Yeh shouldn' be down here anyway... If Fudge catches you and Harry down here, yeh'll be in big trouble," Hagrid said, but then looked at me appreciatively. "Always had a big heart, yer mum did...yeh get your wildness from James..."

My eyes welled with tears, hearing Hagrid tell me that. Usually Harry would always be the one who had people telling him he looked like our dad, probably because I heard that our dad was pretty well known around here.

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