Chapter 24

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I slowly opened my eyes, looking around. The dormitory seemed to be empty. Ava and Olivia's beds were a wreck, as usual, Hermione's bed was neatly made, (as usual) and Parvati's and Lavender's old beds stood there, untouched, as usual. The only unusual thing about the place was that Olivia, Ava, and Hermione were missing.

Rubbing my eyes, I glanced at the clock on my bedside table. My eyes widened as I saw the time. It was nearly noon!

"Shoot," I muttered, jumping out of bed. I stopped when I saw the note that was on my bedside table. I picked it up, and began reading.

Dear Lily,
You are most likely wondering we we are. Well, my friend, that is for us to know, and you to find out.
Not. Because you're not supposed to know. Just kidding, we just went on an adventure and you were still sleeping. We left some candy for you over on Ava's dresser, we should be back by 7.
-your awesome squad.

CANDY! YAY! I ran over to Ava's dresser, and found yet another note.

Ha! You thought there would actually be candy? We ate it all after breakfast, mothertrucker!

"Meanies," I huffed, annoyed.

I decided to get ready for the day. I threw on some presentable looking clothes, brushed my hair, and set out to the kitchens. Yep, I knew that my friends had to be there.

When I reached the portrait of the fruit bowl, I didn't know what to do, or how to get in.

"Darn!" I hissed.

"Need some help?" two identical voices chorused, popping up from behind me.

"Didn't scare me at all," I said, turning around to see the Weasley twins. "Can you just help me?"

"Sure, dear Lillian," Fred said.

"Okay, so can you help me open this BLOODY DOOR?" I said, and kicked the portrait, only to grab my foot and start hopping around like an idiot. Fred and George started laughing like maniacs.

"Meanies," I huffed. "Can you please help me open this thing?"

"Can do, little one," George said, and then started... tickling the pear?

"Er..." I said awkwardly as the pear started giggling. "I'm scarred," I whispered, stepping in the kitchens.


"Gimme a piggy back ride, you slow donkey!" I whined, and pounded on Fred's back.

"Lily!" Fred groaned, but then he finally gave in! Yay!

"All the way to the common room!" I insisted, wrapping my arms around him tightly so that I didn't fall.

"Yes, boss!" Fred said sarcastically.

"Yeah, Freddie. All the way to the common room," George winked at Fred.

"Are you plotting something? Oh, no no no no no! I know what you're doing! FRED, PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT!" I yelled, but Fred had a tight grip on me. "FRED WEASLEY!" I shouted, laughing.

"All the way to the common room!" Fred and George chorused in a sing song voice. Right when we entered the common room, Fred dropped me on the floor.

Lillian Potter | Harry Potter's Twin SisterWhere stories live. Discover now