Chapter 6

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I felt somebody shaking me. A dull ache could be felt in my back from sleeping on the couch. Really not pleasant. I groaned, and swatted out atwhoever had attempted to wake me up.

"Whoever you are, if you're not one of my friends, I will kill you," I said, not opening my eyes.

"You best not kill me, you won't have a keeper anymore," the voice of Oliver Wood said. I shot up, looking around. There he was, standing with Harry behind him, who looked half asleep. I found out that it was five in the morning soon after.

"I officially hate you. Why did you wake me up?" I groaned, flopping back onto the couch which I thought was empty. I ended up landing on a sleeping Ginny instead, who was clutching her diary so tight it looked like she might break either the diary or her hand. I jumped up quickly, and luckily she just stirred and went back to sleep.

"New training system, we're sure to win the cup this year. We could have last year if it wasn't for-" Wood started, but I cut him off.

"We know," I interrupted. Thanks Oliver, I had just gotten that night I met Voldemort out of my mind. I should've called him Voldy. Yeah, I liked that name. You didn't scare me, Voldy.

I quickly ran up to my dorm to change. I decided to turn my hair jet black to match Harry's today, and grabbed my broom. By the time I got back downstairs, most of the team was waiting in the common room. Angelina and Alicia looked like they were sleep walking.

We got to the changing rooms, I was actually kind of excited to play again, but then Wood started with his plans and positions and techniques, and well, let's just say it was not a short time we were in there.

I used Harry as a pillow like I always did when Wood went on like that for hours. Maybe I could've been in the Great Hall at that moment, eating strawberries and pancakes. Or bacon, that would be better. Petunia used to always tell me I got distracted easily, claiming something was wrong with me. Well guess what, she was a big hypocrite because she was mental too, so ha!

She could've been right.

Anyways, Wood went on for a long time, then it was finally time to go out on the field. Everyone on the team kept claiming I that I had gotten calmer this year, but little did they know, I was just tired and grumpy at the moment.

"Give me five laps around the pitch," Wood called, mounting his broom. I did the same, and kicked off. I started out a bit rusty, but after the first lap I was fine. We did some drills to help with our technique, or something like that. I saw Hermione and Ron in the stands, and waved like a crazy person.

Everything was going well until I was doing a dive, and saw the Slytherin team approaching the pitch. I could just feel my hair turning a dark red again out of anger. I landed, marching over to them, Harry and Wood close behind me. What business did they have here right now? They were just here to annoy us.

"Why are you here?" Wood demanded, stepping in front of the Slytherin team.

"We're here to train our new seeker. We have a note from Snape," the Slytherin team captain, Marcus Flint, said, shoving the note at Oliver.

"Who's your new seeker, big guy?" I said. Flint looked me up and down, before his team all stepped apart to reveal Malfoy. All of my team's mouths were wide open.

"Why the bloody hell would you want him?" Fred and George chorused.

Malfoy said some stupid stuff about his father, and Hermione and Ron came over to see what was going on.

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