Chapter 19

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"Soooo, what's in the box?" Ava poked the side of the largest box I had gotten.

"Isn't it obvious, Ava? It's a Christmas tree, of course!" Hermione said.

My jaw dropped.

"You ruiner!" Olivia complained.

"That's not a word!" Ava said.

"Shut up Ava!" Olivia whined.

"Let's open this box!" I said loudly.

"Ummm... What's the spell?" Olivia asked, glancing around the room.

"Ever heard of the muggle way? It takes five seconds more," I rolled my eyes.

"Accio scissors!" Ava said cheerfully. She wouldn't stop using that accio charm she learned!

"Ava, I don't think that's a good-" Hermione started, but was cut off when scissors went whizzing past my face, and ended up stuck in a wall.

"That was close," Ava said in relief.

"Oh yeah, easy for you to say!" I cried. "You nearly took my eye out, woman!"

Hermione pulled the scissors out of the wall and handed them to me. I tore open the box. Yes, I did it. Oh my gosh. What an accomplishment. Note the sarcasm. I was feeling a bit crazy right now.

There was a big white Christmas tree in the box.

"You got a white Christmas Tree? Do those even exist?" Ava asked.

"Noooo, they don't exist, but I bought one," I rolled my eyes for the millionth time. "Yes, I bought a white Christmas tree! We obviously already have one down here in the common room, but it's plain old green. I wanted to spice things up!"

"Yeah, get it right Ava," Olivia laughed.

"You didn't know it either, dummy!" Ava smacked Olivia in the back of the head.

"Stop! You'll knock out all of my precious knowledge!" Olivia whined.

"What knowledge? You're failing potions," Ava said.

"Shut up."

"Enough!" Hermione snapped.

"Time to party!" I cha-cha danced around the room.

After setting up all of the stuff I had ordered, which was a LOT, it was time for our own little party. We had music playing, snacks, and the Christmas tree with all of the presents under it. Hermione, Ava, Olivia and I had spent all day preparing, while Ron and Harry roamed through the castle, most likely doing stupid stuff and earning at least two detentions each.

They finally came back, and we started our party immediately. I was too excited to wait.

"C'MON PEOPLE! DANCE!" I yelled, doing some weird little dance.

None of these people knew how to dance. It was pretty funny, actually, they all looked so ridiculous.
Ron, Harry and Ava stopped dancing after the first part of the song, but Olivia and I kept going.

"Oooh, it's on!" Olivia said in a mock-competitive voice.

Both of us tried our best not to laugh while dancing the whole time. We knew the rules. I couldn't take it anymore. I had to. I burst out laughing, collapsing to the ground clutching my stomach.

"HA, IN YOUR FACE, LILY! I BEAT YOU!" Olivia faked-kicked my side, strutting away to go eat some cookies.

"You're mean!" I pouted.

"It's my specialty," Olivia winked.

I was now sprawled out on the floor.

In a brief moment from laughter to seriousness, I realized the hair that I usually covered my scar with had flew up when I fell on the ground. I tried to push it back down, but it was too late. Ava had already seen it.

"This is the first time I've actually seen it," Ava said curiously. "You never let anyone see it!"

"Yeah?..." I said, backing up.

She stepped closer to me, inspecting the V-shaped scar on my forehead.

"Why is it a V shape?" Ava asked stupidly.

"Think, genius!"

"Oh! You-Know-Who..."

"Yeah. Now that the whole world knows, let's keep having fun!" I jumped up from the ground, smiling.

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