Chapter 9

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I woke up on Tuesday morning feeling so anxious that it made me almost nauseous. After I got dressed, I realized that I was trying to pull my right shoe onto my left foot.

"Wrong foot, Lily, wrong foot," I muttered, shaking my head.

I honestly found it pretty dumb that the champions still had to attend lessons the day of the first task, because either way I wouldn't be focused on them at all. I always was good at hiding it if I was nervous, but today seemed so much different.

I began brushing my hair back so that I could put it in a high ponytail, but my hands were shaking so bad that I was finding the simple task difficult.

"I can do that for you, if you'd like."

In the reflection of the mirror, Olivia was standing behind me, smiling sympathetically. Olivia and I hadn't talked much lately because she was always with Ava.

"Thanks," I said gratefully, handing her the brush.

Her blue eyes were focused on my hair, and she looked like she was debating on saying something. She pulled my hair up into a high ponytail and tied it off. I turned to face her.

"I'm sorry that I haven't been the best friend lately," she finally said. "It's just, Ava's always been the one person who's been there for me, and she'd get mad if I talked to you, and if I lost her for even a short time I don't know what I'd do. People don't really seem to like me around here..."

She looked down, a strand of her curly, dark hair falling onto her face. In that moment, I don't think I'd ever felt so sorry for someone in my life.

I had been the bad friend, because I hadn't realized how difficult Olivia had it at Hogwarts. It was all adding up in my brain now, and I was mad at myself for the fact that I'd known her for four years and just now put it all together.

Lestrange. That was her last name. Wherever she went, people fled away in fear, not even giving her a chance. Some teachers were even cautious around her, just because of who her mum was.

Honestly, I didn't know much about Bellatrix Lestrange. I didn't grow up in the wizarding world, all I knew was that Bellatrix had to be really bad for people to act this way, but Olivia wasn't like that.

"Just... good luck today, Lily," Olivia mumbled. "You've got this."

All I was able to do was nod and give her a tiny smile, watching her leave our dormitory. I didn't know what to say or do to be honest...

"Lily! Are you okay up there? Harry and I are waiting for you!" Hermione called up the stairs.

"Coming!" I called, grabbing my bag and rushing down the stairs into the common room.

Harry was pale and had a blank expression on his face. Hermione looked really worried.

"Fun day, right?" I laughed nervously.

Fred rose out of a chair where he was sitting with George and Lee, looking almost as pale as Harry. Without even thinking about it, I walked over to him.

"Lily," he whispered. "Lily, do you know what the first task is?"

I scanned over his anxious face, deciding it would be best if he didn't know I was about to face a gigantic vicious dragon until the very last moment. Sometimes lying was the only option, right?

"I haven't got the slightest clue," I lied. "I'll be fine, Fred, please stop worrying. It can't be worse than facing Voldemort, right?"

I don't think he thought that was funny.

Lillian Potter | Harry Potter's Twin SisterWhere stories live. Discover now