Chapter 12

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"Guess who's back?" I exclaimed as I walked through the Gryffindor common room entrance. All of my friends were there, luckily.

"You're finally out!" Harry said, hugging me. I smiled, nodding.

"I still have to take it easy, and no quidditch for a week, but I'm out."

I said hi to everyone, excited to be back. Afterwards, I noticed Fred not being his usual self. He was sitting far away from everyone, staring at the wall. I'd never, ever seen him that way. I walked up to him.

"Fred? Are you okay?" I asked, worried.

"I'm sorry, Lily, it's all my fault! I let you get hit by that bloody Bludger!" Fred angrily said. "I should have-"

"It's not your fault, Fred, the thing was jinxed, and I'm fine now, see, I'm alive and in one piece! Don't blame yourself," I said, feeling guilty for making him think it was his fault. I sat next to him. We sat in silence for a minute.

"We didn't know if you were going to be okay, Lily. I was so scared, everyone was," he whispered, sounding more upset than I'd ever heard him.

"It was just a Bludger, Fred! I'm okay, and it's not your fault at all, okay?" I said.

A small smile replaced his sadness. I hugged him as I got up, and then walked away. I couldn't help but notice the way his face turned red as I did. Ava wiggled her eyebrows for the millionth time at me, so I slapped her arm, scowling.

"We have a lot to tell you, Lily, but not here," Olivia said quietly.

Hermione nodded, grabbing my arm and dragging me along with her, Harry, Hermione, and Ron, leaving Ava with Fred and George in the common room. That couldn't end well.

We rounded a few corners, until we came to an empty classroom. We all went inside, and Hermione closed the door behind us, locking it and placing a silencing charm on it.

"We started brewing the polyjuice potion, Dobby is the one that has been messing things up for you and Harry all year, and Colin Creevey was petrified!" Hermione cried, looking extremely stressed.

"Petrified? Like Filch's cat?" I gasped, shocked. They all nodded. "Gosh, I'm out for two days and I miss all of this! And what are you talking about? Dobby has been doing all those crazy things, like the Bludgers and stuff? Why would Dobby want to hurt Harry and I?" I questioned, very confused. How much could of happened in the two days I was gone?

"He wants us to leave Hogwarts, Lily, he says it's not safe with the Chamber of Secrets opened and all. Whatever monster it is can petrify people, and the polyjuice potion won't be ready for two more weeks," Harry said.

"This is insane," I mumbled. "We aren't safe, none of us are."


"You aren't coming to the dueling club, end of story!" Harry said. What was he, my dad?

"Yes I am, you're not my dad Harry, I can take care of myself. I've been out of the hospital for a week," I protested, trying not to get too angry with him. I knew he wanted to protect me and all, but I could take care of myself perfectly fine. I really could.

"I don't think it's a good idea either, Lily. Who knows what could happen?" Ron put in his two cents, causing me to roll my eyes.

"If it's so dangerous, then why are you going? Hmm?" I challenged, crossing my arms.

"Because we don't have giant black and blue bruises on our stomachs," Ava hissed, mimicking me by crossing her arms.

Ginny ran down the stairs, joining us. "I wanna go!"

Lillian Potter | Harry Potter's Twin SisterWhere stories live. Discover now