Chapter 2

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"Happy birthday to me," I sang, skipping into the living room, where Vernon and Dudley sat, watching the new television. Is that all they ever did? Stupid lazy gits. "Happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear Lily and Harry, happy birthday to me!"

"Will you be quiet? I can't hear the television," Vernon snarled. I rolled my eyes. Since he was distracted, I took it as a chance to put some bread in the toaster. I'd better enjoy it, cause it was probably the only time I'd eat all day.

Harry was sitting at the kitchen table, staring at the television. I looked over at it right as Vernon turned up the volume.

"Sirius Black has escaped prison and is on the loose. He is extremely dangerous and insane. If you have any information on Black, please contact this number..."

I stopped dead in my tracks. Black? That was Ava's last name, and she had told me her dad was in Azkaban. They said Black broke out of jail...

No. I told myself that it was just the Muggle news. It was probably just a coincidence. Black was a very common last name.

It didn't seem like Harry knew about Ava's dad, since he just continued what he was doing. I shrugged, jumping as the toast popped up. I had to stop doing that, I'd been so jumpy lately.

"Look at the guy," Vernon wheezed. "He looks awful, when are they gonna learn the only way to deal with these people is hanging?"

Typical Vernon. I rolled my eyes, handing Harry a piece of toast. I took at look at the television, and when I saw what I did, my eyes widened, and I nearly choked.

They showed a picture of Sirius Black, and he had grey eyes that looked almost identical to Ava's, except hers were a bit more blue.

"You okay?" Harry asked me, looking at me like I was crazy.

"Yeah..." I trailed off. Okay, maybe it wasn't a coincidence, but it still could be. I pushed the thoughts out of my head, not wanting to think about it anymore.

"Petunia, I've got to go pick up Marge from the train station. See you later," Vernon said. I actually did choke this time, and so did Harry.

"Aunt Marge?" Harry and I chorused. The both of us absolutely HATED her. She was a huge, mean, disgusting lady who was a bulldog breeder. Every time she came here, I ended up telling her off.

"Yes, Aunt Marge, and you two are going to behave yourselves, and show no sign of your freakishness! Understand?" Vernon barked.

I was about to talk back, but shut my mouth, nodding. Our Hogwarts letters had come this morning, and there was a permission slip for Hogsmeade attached. Basically, I needed to be an angel so Harry and I could get them signed.

"You Potters need to keep your mouths shut, especially you," Vernon pointed his disgusting finger in my face. I was tempted to bite it off. "We've told Marge that Harry goes to a school for troubled boys, and we sent you off to boarding school for delinquents. You will stick to that story."

"What?" Harry and I said.

"Stop talking at the same time as me," I whined, annoyed.

"You're the one who's-" Harry began arguing back, but got cut off.

"Enough! I am leaving now, remember what I told you or there will be trouble," Vernon snarled.

With that, Vernon stormed out of the house, slamming the door shut behind him.

Harry and I looked at each other, and exchanged a smirk, knowing exactly what we were doing. Grabbing Harry's wrist, I started skipping out of the house, ignoring Petunia screaming at me.

Lillian Potter | Harry Potter's Twin SisterWhere stories live. Discover now