Chapter 14

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Ava's POV

I heard Lily scream. Then I heard a door shut.

"LILY!" I screamed, running to find her.

Even though I only met Lily a while ago, I felt like I'd always known her in a way. She was like the sister I'd always wanted.

"Where is she?" Harry shouted, the worry obvious in his eyes.

I'd never seen him like this. Usually that guy was chill.

"Just stay calm! Everything will be okay!" Hermione cried, and nervously looked around.

"OKAY? LILY'S BLOODY MISSING!" Ron yelled. I'd  noticed he was rather protective over her, like if he was her big brother.

"We have to find her!" Harry exclaimed, looking like he was on the verge of tears. "We have to-"

"What is all this commotion about, Mr. Potter?"

Professor McGonagall stood there, looking concerned.

"Lily's been taken!" all four of us chorused.

"Pardon?" McGonagall said. She looked shocked.

"Taken. Malfoy told Harry to meet him in the trophy room to fight, and never showed up. We were heading back to the common room, and she was running ahead, and the next thing you know, she's gone!" Hermione quickly said.

I shot her a glare. Big mouth. I loved her anyways.

McGonagall's face had paled, but she regained herself with an obvious effort.

"And what makes you think it was a good idea for you to go?" McGonagall demanded, crossing her arms.

"I don't know Professor," Harry whispered. You could hear his voice break. He sounded broken inside.

"As much as I would like to scold all of you for going out past curfew, finding Lily is very important. I would like you to go see Professor Dumbledore, and tell him what happened. I will walk you there," McGonagall said calmly, and started walking towards Dumbledore's office.

There was a huge question in my mind the whole time we were walking to Dumbledore's office. Who took my best friend?

Let me rephrase that.

Who took my sister?


Lily's POV

I sat in the broom closet, bored. I had tried screaming for help, but then realized that there was a silencing charm on the door.

When I tried to open the door, I found that it was locked with a charm from the inside, meaning there was no way out. I also tried kicking the door down. It really didn't do any help, the bloody thing must've been bullet-proof!

When would I get out of here?


Time had passed, and by time, I meant a LONG time. Malfoy came in here every so often, and gave me that dumb smirk every time. I had decided that Malfoy wasn't going to let me out until I told him about the door under the dog, and I'd die before doing that. He obviously needed the information for something.

I had so many questions. How long had it been? Was anybody looking for me? Did anybody know it was Malfoy? How had they not found me when I was  right in front of them? Why did Malfoy even need to know what was under the dog?

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