Chapter 20

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On Christmas Eve, Ava, Hermione, Ron, Olivia, Harry and I had a lot of fun. Ugh! I didn't wanna have to list every single name. Therefore, all of us were 'we' from now on.

"That was fun," I said to Ava, as I tossed Harry's Snitch in the air and caught it repeatedly. We were in our dorm, and Olivia and Hermione had already fallen asleep, but Ava and I lay awake.

"I feel tired now. But I'm not. Well, I kinda am. I DON'T KNOW," Ava fake cried in a weird way, causing both of us to laugh.

"We should probably go to bed. It's almost," she checked her clock, "3 in the morning."

"Yep. Night!"


It felt like I had only slept for a few seconds before I was woken up.

"It's Christmas!" I heard a loud voice yell in my ear.

"Olivia!" I groaned.

"Don't you want your presents?" Olivia said.

My eyes shot open.

"I got presents?" I asked in surprise. I'd never gotten a real Christmas present before.

"Of course! Now get up!" Ava shouted, and did the usual wake up call, smacking me with a pillow.

"The best Christmas present I ever got was a pair of Dudley's old socks!" I said excitedly.

"Well that's about to change," Hermione said. She dragged me downstairs, though it was unnecessary, because I would of walked myself.

When we got downstairs, I was surprised to see a heap of presents under the tree. Even more surprising, a few of them were for me! As Harry and Ron were usually up early anyways, they were already waiting for us.

"Hello brother!" I tackled Harry from behind, jumping over the edge of his chair and landing right on him.

"That's a great way to greet me," Harry said.

"I know, right?" I jumped off of him, onto the arm of the chair, and onto the couch next to him.

"I'm a ninja, see?" I exclaimed when I landed.

Almost everybody in the room rolled their eyes.

"Who's opening one first?" Olivia asked, plopping down next to me. Hermione sat down next to her, and Ava squeezed in on the edge weirdly, even though there was a chair right next to the couch.

"Me!" Ava squealed like a child.

"Okay, fine."

Luckily, she picked up the present I had gotten her first.

"OH MY GOSH!" she screamed. Inside the box was a picture of a cute little black dog, and the picture said 'I'll be here tomorrow! The shipping department apologizes for the delay!'

She laughed when reading that part.

"Doesn't Hogwarts only allow cats, mice, toads and owls?" Ron asked.

"I talked to Dumbledore about bending the rules just a bit," I shrugged. "He said it wouldn't hurt anyone."

"THANK YOU SO MUCH!" Ava said, and launched herself at me, tackling me in a hug.

"No problem," I smiled.

I'm sure that you don't wanna hear about everybody opening presents, so let's just say this. I got Ava the puppy, I got Ron a LOT of candy, like a lot, about a lifetime supply, I got Olivia a really pretty charm bracelet from a wizarding store, the charms were a wand, the Hogwarts symbol, the Gyriffindor lion, the Sorting Hat, and a O (for Olivia if you didn't figure it out.) For Harry, I made a scrapbook with a bunch of pictures in it that we had taken secretly with a camera we found in the Dursley's basement. I also got him a book about Quidditch. Lastly, for Hermione, I got her a bunch of books and her favorite Muggle candy, Jolly Ranchers. I might of also gotten a package for myself, too. Hehe.

It was the best Christmas I ever had!

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