Stats and Proficiencies

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The stats in MAO are designed to diversify the players experience and the customization of the players character. All of the Stats are represented by a color and a geode that can affect the players stats.

HUD Stats

- Health Points «HP»: The amount of health of the player. When HP hits zero the players Avatar dies. While in a party, when a players health hits zero, the player goes into a downed state for a specific amount of time, during this time the player can then be revived by a Resurrection Artes or items.

- Stamina «ST»: The physical endurance of the player. These points used when preforming an action such as, using Artes, Running, Blocking, Evading, etc. When not preforming any actions that requires Stamina, these points will be restored overtime.

- Mana Capacity «MC»: This gauge determines how many Artes a player can use. As Artes are used the gauge depletes. If a player uses an Arte when the Mana Capacity gauge is empty the remaining cost is taken from the players HP. When the player is not using any Artes, the Gauge will slowly return to full. *Note* certain Abilities, or Artes can be toggled on and off and require a portion of the gauge to be used while active.


Primary Stats

- Strength «Str»: the physical power of the player character. Larger and heavier weapons scale off strength stat to deal more damage.

- Dexterity «Dex»: The physical ability of the player character. Nimble and lighter weapons scale off Dexterity stat to deal more damage.

- Defense «Def»: the physical defense of the player character. defense is taken from the strength and dexterity stats of an attack.

- Intelligence «Int»: The magical power of the player character. Magical weapons scale off Intelligence to deal more damage.

- Spirit «Spt»: The Spiritual ability of the player character. Sacred weapons scale off Spirit to deal more damage.

- Resistance «Res» the magical and spiritual defense of the player character. Resistance is taken from the Intelligence and Spirit stats of an attack.

- Speed «Spd»: This stat determines the maximum movement speed and attack speed. Movement speed is determined by combining equipment load and Speed stat. Attack speed is determined by a combination of speed and attack speed of equipped weapon.

+ Running speed: there are two running speeds; Jog and Sprint. Jog is from 1.01 to x1.3 movement speed. sprint is from1.31 to x1.6 movement speed.


Secondary Stats

- Luck «Luc»: This stat increases the chance of an effect happening, such as status effects or critical hits happening or acquiring Loot.

- Accuracy and Evasion «Ace»: Stat affects the systems Aim assist, which affects if a weapon will connect or not. This effect is more pronounced with Projectiles, also referred to as Bullet Magnetism.

- Adaptability «Ada»: is the stat that dictates other minor stats, such as equipment load, casting speed, status effect resistance, raises poise, increases invincibility frames during certain animations. These stats can also be affected by accessories.

+ Max Equipment Load: Determined by combination of «Ada» and «Str»: this determines how much equipment the player can equip. This stat affects movement and attack speed.

+ Fall Damage resistance: Determined by a combination of «Ada» and «Dex». This stat reduces fall damage by an average between the two stats. Note: All fall damage is considered lethal above 30m. weight effects fall damage with higher weights causing more damage.

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