List of Monster III: Yurei (Phantoms) - Ghost

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Yurei (Phantoms): Yurei type monsters are wisps that do not take on a physical form appearing as a ghostly visage or will take over and control non-living organic matter or immobile organisms. Yurei cores have a purplish hue.


Ghosts: Phantom type monsters that use dust, zymas, miasma, and other debris to create monstrous incorporeal bodies. These spirits are typically able to move between small crevices giving them the appearance that they can move through walls.

32. Poltergeist: a spirit that manifests itself by moving and influencing objects, it will usually attempt to hide its core using its power to attack using telekinesis.

33. Hitodama (Fire Soul): A wisp that appears to have a ghostly fire: Void

- Onibi (Demon Fire): fire that appears at night: Fire

- Koemonbi (Rain Fire): Fire that appears when it rains: Water

- Chochinbi (Lantern fire) Flames that float near the ground at night: Earth

- Kazedama (wind ball) Flame that appears during storms: Wind

- Inka (Shadow Fire): Fire that appears near ghosts or cemeteries: Dark

- Sōgenbi (Sacred fire): Fire that appears near hallowed places: Light

- Kitsunebi (Fox Fire): Flames that appear near supernatural creatures: Lightning

34. Enenra: a monster comprised of pollution and miasma. Enenra wrap themselves around their prey and attempt to suffocate their prey.

- Enraenrae: is a larger variant of the Enenra

35. Kechibi: a skull that is covered in fire and explodes after a set amount of time.

36. Cetan: an amicable hawk spirit that is known for its ability to dart around at high speeds. Its body is made up of a gaseous substance that exudes a faint light.

- Lightning Bird: a phantom bird that can be found at sites of lightning strike. Its body is made up of a cloud of plasma.

- Fire Bird: a phantom bird found near volcanic regions. Its body is made up of a fiery gas cloud. It is said to disappear and reappear at will.

- Frost Bird: A phantom bird found in cold snowy regions. Its body is made up of a cloud of freezing mist. Snow is said to accompany its appearance.

37. Shadow Beasts: these creatures are monsters created by wisps trying to defend themselves they are not very strong and typically break apart after being attacked.

38. Doppelganger: a monster similar to the shadow beast that has developed the ability to mimic the shape and likeness of others. It hides in dark places due to the fact that it cannot fully mimic others.

39. Wraith: a phantom type monster that takes on the appearance of a mortal. These monsters are capable of partially solidifying their bodies to attack with parts of their bodies that take on the appearance of a weapon.

- Revenant: a more powerful variant of a wraith that takes on the shape of a knight or warrior.

40. Baku: a ghostly tapir-like creature that is said to devours dreams and nightmares. These creatures fly through the night in a cloud of gas that is said to induce sleep.

41. Specter: Monster than appear is a collection of mist or dust, with a glowing sphere. They attack by suffocating their enemies

42. Bakeneko: a phantom monster that resembles a large cat with the ability to create illusions. These monsters mimic speech to lure victims to their deaths.

- Nekomata: a monster that is a two tailed variant of the Bakeneko

- Senri: a monster that is a variant of the Nekomata

- Kasha: a cat that flies through the air covered in flames

43. Celarvange: a phantom monster with a semi-transparent body, it uses gases in its body to maintain buoyancy and wing like appendages to fly. This monster is relatively harmless and floats through the air peacefully. The Celarvange feed on Daervalion and their shells. (name originates from Celestial, Larva latin meaning ghost or mask, and angel. Origin is the sea angel)

- Mare Celarvange: a sea and ocean dwelling variant of the Celarvange.

44. Daervalion: a phantom monster with a semi-transparent body and shell. It uses gases in its body along with a set of wings from its shell to fly. These monsters are relatively harmless and fly through the air. These monsters are antagonistic to the Celarvange. (comes from Daemon, Larva, and Papillion. Origin is the sea butterfly)

46. Black Dog: a phantom monster that appears as a ghostly dog. This monster haunts cemeteries.

- Amarok: a phantom wolf that stalks prey at night

46. Evil Eye: A phantom eye creature that will slow down enemies and protect allies. It will attack enemies by revealing its mouth from its monstrous iris.

- Vile Eye: a variant of the evil eye.

- Wicked Eye: a creature composed of one giant eye with many other eyes attached to it.

47. Bake-kujira: a ghostly variant of the Orcark. Occasionally an Orcark will break down its own body becoming a skeletal and semi-solid. These monsters will attract Celarvange, hitodama, and other ghostly monsters

48. Reaper: A skeletal monsters that has a gaseous cloak that covers its body. It will attack enemies with long bone like appendages.

49. Tywisbryd: a monster that is capable of creating small localized weather conditions such as rainstorms, hail, Thunderstorms, and intense heat. (name comes from welsh words Tywydd meaning Weather, and Ysbryd meaning ghost.)

50. Ittan-Momen: a monster that is a piece of cloth possessed by a wisp. These monsters will use the clothe to strangle and suffocate their victims.

- Onna Momen: a variant of the Ittan-Momen that resembles a ghostly woman. These monster use seduction to lure in prey then strangle and suffocate them.

- Otoko Momen: a variant of the Ittan-Momen that resembles a ghostly man. These monsters will use tricks to lure in prey, then strangle and suffocate them.

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