List of Monster II: Aleya (Constructs) - Magical/Spiritual

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Mystical (Magical/Spiritual): Construct type monsters are created through either magical or spiritual means and have the ability to reproduce, regrow, reform and/or respawn.

11. Sky Loftier: A magically created monster that resembles a hybrid between a jellyfish, octopus, mollusk. These monsters drift through the air peacefully and subsist on Miasma. It is unknown who created them or why.

- Sky nettle: a more aggressive variant of the Sky Loftier. They will not attack unless provoked and defend themselves with their poisonous tentacles.

- Sky Irukandji: a smaller highly dangerous variant of the Sky Loftier. They are non-aggressive by highly venomous.

12. Mimic: magical creatures that copies the appearance of objects, items, or treasure chests. When opened the mimic will attempt to eat that person.

- Fake: a variant of the mimic that copies environmental objects.

- Pithandora: a very rare variant of the mimic.

13. Slime: a magically created monster comprised of monster core that was magically enchanted. This creature reproduces by attacking other monsters and stealing their core.

- Giant Slime: a variant of the slime that is formed from a combination of ten slimes.

+ Colored Giant Slime: a variant of the giant slime comprised of ten slimes of the same color.

- Red/Blue/Yellow Slime: a stronger variant of the normal slime that can generate a different element. Red slimes can generate fire, blue slimes can generate ice, yellow slimes can generate electricity.

- Toxic sludge: a variant of the slime that has absorbed toxic materials and is toxic to the touch. These monsters have hardened parts of their bodies into sharp spines to attack prey.

- Slime Lord: a slime that has evolved to take on an imperfect humanoid shape.

+ Slime Queen: a slime that has managed to take on the shape of a female mortal.

+ Slime King: a slime that has managed to take on the shape of a male mortal.

- Mimic Slime: a slime that mimics other monsters appearance.

14. Ooze: a mutated slime that has learned to manipulate inanimate objects.

- Spear Ooze: an Ooze that manipulates a spear.

- Shield Ooze: an Ooze that manipulates a shield.

- Enthralling Ooze: an Ooze that has taken control of another creature manipulating its body. enthralling Oozes kill their prey before they take control of their body.

15. Abomination: a creature born from a mortal mutated with experimental magic.

16. Elemental: magical monsters that are born with a monster core becomes attuned to a specific element.

- Flame Elemental

- Rain Elemental

- Lighting Elemental

- Stone Elemental

- Dark Elemental

- Air Elemental

- Light Elemental

17. Parativásei: a vicious creature created to act as the eyes, ears, and guards for ancient mages. Those mages lost control of the creature. It wanders in hidden dungeons looking for prey to eat so it can fuel its reproduction. Is a small cycloptic, mouthless imp with many tentacles emerging from its tail. Each one of these tentacles can spawn a mouth, eye, or ear. This creature is capable of applying a wide range of debuffs such as: curses, paralysis, and petrification. (name comes from the Greek words paratiritís and kataskevásei meaning observer and construct.)

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