Status Effects

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- «Status Resistance»: This status increases the resistance against status effects build-up for both physical and ethereal, while also decreasing the amount of time it takes to recover from a status effect build-up. Most common stat reductions are; 5%, 10%, 15%, 25%, and 50%.

+«Status Nullification»: a status effect that prevents status affects from being applied to the target. Note status nullification will not work for status effects that preexist the application of this status effect.

- «Poison»: causes continued damage to body (damage over time) and causes reduction to mana resistance and stamina recovery.

- «Burn»: causes continued pain to the target and causes continued health loss and lowers attack and intelligence.

- «Paralysis»: reduces movement speed and occasionally prevents actions.

- «Bleed»: causes five percent of HP to be lost and then adds a damage over time effect that can be stacked up to three times.

- «Freeze»: Causes complete stop on action and movement, player can shake free of freeze, fire will melt freeze but cause X2 normal damage.

+ «Cold»: causes Reduction in Movement, and attack speed until effect ends. certain equipment can come equipped with cold resistance/nullification

- «Sleep»: prevents all action for until effect ends, any damage taken will cause the victim to awaken however they will take to take x1.5 damage.

- «Blind»: During this effect the victims vision will be blurred/obscured, and attacks attack will miss the intended target.

- «Petrification»: causes instant death during PvE. However, in PVP it causes a similar function to freeze.

- «Charm»: Causes the target to attack allies, until effect ends.

- «Curse»: causes continued HP loss, and Healing spells damage player, stamina and mana resistance are lowered.

- Anti-Attacks/Artes: These status effects affect the targets ability to attack or use Artes

+ «Disarmed»: This effect causes the Victim to drop all weapons in hand and is unable to attack or use items until the effect ends.

+ «Silence»: prevents Magical or Spiritual arts from being used until the effect end.

+«Seal»: prevent Strength and dexterous Artes from being used until effect end.

- «Confusion»: the victims controls are constantly Influx, changing at random intervals.

- «Berserk»: Victim will have increased damage/movement speed, reduced defense/resistance and are unable to use special attacks, and will attack the nearest, ally or enemy.

- «Zombie»: Healing and light-based attacks will damage the afflicted, casting healing or light-based Artes during affliction will also cause damage, instant death effects will instantly heal the player.

- «Fear/slide»: Causes the target to automatically move away from the source of the fear or off the source of slide until out of range.

- «Fractured: [Insert Body Part]»: This can be caused by taking blunt damage or fall damage, this effect reduces the effectiveness of the afflicted body part and causes Stamina loss.

+ «Broken: [Insert Body Part]»: This status effect is a worse variation in which prevents the use of the afflicted body part and causes stamina loss and reduced stamina regeneration.

- «Severe: [Insert Body Part]»: a body part has been cut off, the victim will take continued HP loss. Depending on the body part afflicted can result in; Reduced damage, Reduced attack speed, reduced movement speed, or instant death. after five minutes the severed limb will be restored.

- «Sleep»: prevents all actions for a period. Any damage taken will wake the victim however they will take x1.5 damage.

- «Toxin»: a powerful poison that causes cumulative damage over time.

+ «Ill»: A status that causes all stats to be lowered and causes slow damage over time until effect ends. This effect can be incurred by ingesting any rotten food, from the wet status.

- «Doom»: an effect that will cause the instant death of the victim after a set amount of time.

+ «Death»: a status effect that causes the victim to instantly die. This effect happens when the players HP falls to zero.

- «Impact»: a series of effects that can produce different affects, many of these effects and cause secondary damage to any other enemies/allies in the area.

+ «Knock-up»: causes the victim to be lifted into air, and fall back down, the victim will then take fall damage.

+ «Knockback»: the victim will be pushed back and fall, being unable to take any action.

+ «Knockdown/Tumble»: The victim will be unable to stand for a set amount of time.

+ «Stun»: The player is unable to make any action until the duration of the effect ends. The Player

- «Banish»: This effect causes the victim to become immobile, and intangible until the effect ends

+ «float»: The affected is immobile and is unaffected by fall damage (unless the target would fall into an instant death area).

- «Downed»: a state that is caused when the player is at zero HP while in a party. During this time, the player has a timer that if they are not healed during this time they will die.

- «Asphyxiation»: when the player is run out of air and cannot breathe, causes Stamina and Health Loss, and reduction to all stats.

- «Rooted»: The victim is unable to move until the effect ends.

- Equipment Status effect: These status effects, affect the target's equipment durability.

+ «Corroded»: an effect that only affects equipment. This effect causes equipment durability to slowly degrade until effects ends.

+ «Broken»: an effect that only affects equipment. When a piece of equipments durability reaches zero, the effectiveness of the equipment is reduced by 3/4ths.

- Stat status effects

+ «Stat Reduction/Debuff»: Reduces a stat or set of stats for a limited amount of time. The amount a stat is reduced by depends on the Arte or Skill used. Most common stat reductions are; 5%, 10%, 15%, 25%, or 50%. *Note status reduction can have effect on the players movement e.g. player having a reduction in «Strength» and «Adaptability» can reduce the players equipment burden decreasing speed.

+ «Stat Increase/Buff»: This stat is the opposite of the «Stat Reduction/Debuff» status effect

* «Stat Buff/Debuff/Omni Resistance»: This status effect reduces the effects of stat Buff, Debuff, or both by either 5%, 10%, 15%, 25%, or 50%

* «Stat Buff/Debuff/Omni Nullification»: This stat makes it so that either negative, positive, or both types of stat status effects cannot effect the target.

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