List of Monsters VII: Chuko (Bestial) - Insectoid

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Insectoid: Bestial type monsters that are insectoid or arthropods in appearance and form.

106.Arachne: a spider with a human-like upper half.

- Joro-gumo: Variation of Arachne.

107.Tsuchi-gumo: A poisonous ground Spider about the size of a small animal.

- Ogumo: larger variant of the Tsuchi-gumo.

- Yatsukahagi: a variant of Tsuchi-gumo

- Umigumo: a water spider variant of the Tsuchi-gumo

- Ushi-oni: Variation of Tsuchi-gumo with horns.

- Gyuki: variant of the Ushi-oni

108.Wurm: a large worm-like monsters that burrow through the ground. They come to the surface to feed.

- Sandwurm: a variant of the wurm that lives in arid and desert environments

- Earthwurm: a variant of the wurm that lives deep underground.

- Deathwurm: a variant of the wurm that is massive in size and extremely aggressive.

109.Beemoth: a large bee like monster that is very territorial and protective of their nests. They form hives in valleys and caves. Instead of a queen the Beemoth hive has a king that sires children. Beemoths find other monsters and use them as living cocoons for their children. The children then eat their way out of the prey. These monsters are known for the delicious honey that they make.

- Caste

+ Beemoth: the male Drones they protect and gather nectar and prey. As infants they are given little food and develop into drones.

+ Beehimoth: the female worker of the hive that lay and care for the offspring. All Beehimoths will travel to a different hive to work or mate with a Titan.

+ Beehamuts: male princes that when the Titan Beehamot dies will become the next Titan Beehamut

+ Titan Beehamot: the patriarch of the Beemth hive. The Titan Beehamot will choose females and sire offspring with them.

- Variations

+ Fonias Beemoth: a highly aggressive variant of the Beemoth. They are known to swarm their prey and/ chase their prey. (name comes from Greek word for Killer.)

+ Trypono Beemoth: a variant of beemoth that lives in underground caves. (comes from Greek word for burrow.)

+ Ichos Beemoth: variant of the beemoth that uses sound to stun prey. (name comes from Ichos meaning sound.)

110.Kaiomai Koleotero: a beetle that releases a corrosive acidic mist. This mist can reach near boiling temperatures. The beetle is attracted to and eats metallic substances. (comes from the Greek word Kaiomai meaning Burn and Koleos Pteron meaning Sheath wing. Origin Bombardier Beetle

- Kaiomai Life cycle

+ Kaiomai Instar: an infant: they can release an acidic slime from their mouth to defend themselves

+ Kaiomai Pupa: the middle stage of the Kaust Keleotero. When threatened they will shake splashing acidic liquid around them.

+ Kaiomai Adult: the mature stage of the kaust Keleotero.

111.Vespinest: A large wasp queen that has been a nest for her smaller brood. These smaller wasps will attack anything that approaches the queen. The queen will suspend herself from a tree branch as her children feed and care for the queen. The Queen will detach herself from the tree and seek out new shelter should the nest become threatened.

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