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David, Emma, Brooke, Hook and Mary Margaret made their way to a cave. They heard footsteps and pointed their weapons at whoever would walk out, Tinkerbell.

"Where's Regina?" Emma asked.

"Who the hell are you?" Tinkerbell asked.

"A pissed off mother, where is she?" Emma asked.

Regina came running out of the cave, "I'm fine, I'm fine," She told them.

"You mind lowering those? You may stick me, but I'll take you down with me," Tinkerbell said and her eyes landed on Brooke, she went to talk but Brooke glared, warning her not to talk.

"She's okay, she's not gonna hurt us, just stand down," Regina told them.

"But is she going to help us?" Hook asked

"Well, look who the Queen dragged in. Hello, Hook," Tinkerbell said.

"Lady Bell," He greeted her.

"She's not gonna help us," Regina said.

"Why not?" Emma asked.

"Tink... After all we've been through together... Little assistance?" Hook said.

"She doesn't have any magic," Regina said.

"No pixie dust?" David asked.

"Not even her wings," Regina told them.

"How?" Brooke asked.

"I guess people just stopped believing in me and if I wanted to help you, he's too powerful," Tinkerbell said.

"But you know where Pan is," Mary Margaret said.

"Sure, but it won't do you a bit of good," Tinkerbell said.

"Let us be the judge of that, does he trust you?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Can you get us inside his compound?" Emma asked.

"Maybe, why should I help you?" Tinkerbell asked.

"Because I believe in you," Brooke said, "I have... For a very long time."

"Just get us inside and we'll take care of things from there," Emma said.

"And what's in it for me, other than a death sentence from Pan when you're gone with your boy?" Tinkerbell asked them.

"You can come with us," Emma said.

"That's right, a home. That is what you want, isn't it?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Okay, listen closely. Pan trusts me, he'll let me in and maybe, just maybe, I'll leave a way open for you but you've only got one shot, so you better have a good plan," Tinkerbell said.

"Thank you, we will," Emma said.

"Come with us to our camp, we'll figure it out," Mary Margaret said and everyone made their way back to their camp expect David and Mary Margaret stayed back to talk.


At the camp site, Brooke was sat on a log and Hook put a hole in a coconut her her. He sat beside her and handed her the coconut, "I know it's not your favourite but you need something to drink," Hook told her.

Brooke took the coconut, "Thanks," She said and drunk from the coconut even though she hated it.

Emma was drawing out a plan on the ground, "This is where they're keeping Henry, Pan's compound. According to, uh..." Emma said.

"Tinkerbell," Tinkerbell told her.

"Yes, I know. Still weird to say," Emma said.

"Tink is fine," Tinkerbell told her.

Wicked Is Coming [OUAT | Two Saviours Series #3 | Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now