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Enchanted Forest: One Year Ago...

Everyone was walking away from the castle, following Robin back into the forest. 

"Seems like old times, doesn't it? Expect not running from Regina, but with her," Red said to Snow.

"She's changed, I have to believe for the better," Snow said.

Brooke walked beside her mom and looked at the ring Killian gave her and fiddled with it, "You'll see him again," Charming said to her and she looked at him, "He said so didn't he and if he doesn't, I'll find him and bring him to you."

Brooke laughed a little, "Thanks... I think," Brooke said unsure.

"I'll talk to her," Snow said to Red and looked at her husband and daughter, "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, I think Brooklyn needs a distraction," Charming said.

"Okay," Snow said and they walked to Regina, "You ready to make camp soon, Regina?" Snow asked and Regina seemed lost in thought, "You're thinking about about Henry, aren't you?" Snow asked.

"I'm always thinking about Henry, but I was also thinking there are tunnels that run under the castle. They may run beneath the spell," Regina said.

"Which means we can sneak an army inside," Charming suggested.

"An army would be detected," Regina told him.

"So, how do the tunnels help us?" Brooke asked.

"Because, they can get me inside and if I can get inside, then I can lower the shield. Then your father can send in his army," Regina said.

Suddenly a loud screeching came from above them, they looked up and saw a flying monkey.

"Incoming!" Neal yelled as they all ducked.

The flying moving flew towards Roland, Robin's son, "Papa!" Roland yelled.

"Roland!"Robin yelled as he began running towards him.

Regina rushed over to Roland as Robin picked him up just ad the flying monkey flew past them, "Not so fast," Regina said and waved her hand, using her magic then turned the flying monkey into a stuffed animal. She walked to Robin and Roland, "See? Not so scary. Now you have a new toy," Regina said and handed the stuffed animal to Roland.

"Thank you," Robin said as Roland took the animal.

Storybrooke: Present...

The next day, Killian and Brooke walked to Granny's B&B where Brooke's parents were waiting for Emma to join them.

Emma walked into the room, "Okay, Henry's asleep upstairs. If he wakes up, you two are helping me with the case, okay? So, what the hell happened here? I mean, besides the obvious," Emma said as she sat beside Brooke.

"We don't know, we watched you drive over the town line with Henry. Regina started to cast her spell to take us all back to the Enchanted Forest and then everything went black," Mary Margaret said.

"And the next thing we remember is we're waking up in our beds like it was any other morning in Storybrooke," David said.

"Expect it clearly wasn't," Brooke said looking at her mother stomach.

"Almost harvest time, but you can't remember the planting. That's bad luck, mate," Killian teased and Brooke lightly hit Killian's stomach, "At least I remember my planting," Killian winked at Brooke.

"What?!" David exclaimed.

"Another story... Or not..." Brooke said, "Emma, quickly, change the subject."

Wicked Is Coming [OUAT | Two Saviours Series #3 | Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now