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Enchanted Forest: One Year Later...

Brooke was walking beside her parents, "Regina's castle's just beyond the mountains," Snow said.

"Snow, I think you mean our castle," Charming said.

"That's going to take some getting used to... The last time I was there was just after my father's death and I've always dreamed of returning. I just never imagined it would be with Regina by our side," Snow said.

Grumpy walked up to them, "I wouldn't count on that, sister," Grumpy said and they looked at him, "The Queen's missing."

"I'll go get her," Snow said and went to walk off.

"I'll join you," Brooke said and Snow nodded then they both went to find Regina.

It didn't that the too long to find her and they found her burying something in the ground, "What are you doing?" Snow asked her.

Regina sighed, "So, now you're following me?" She asked them.

"We were worried and it looked like we were right to be. What are you burying?" Brooke asked.

"Nothing that concerns you," Regina said.

"Why does that make me think it does? What have you done?" Snow asked and looked closer to see that what Regina is burying is a heart, "Is that a heart?" She asked.

"Go away," Regina said.

"It's your heart, isn't it?" Brooke asked.

"I'm not having this conversation with either of you," Regina said as she continued to bury her heart.

Brooke lifted her dress up a little and walked over to Regina before crouching down, "I know you miss, Henry, we do too," Brooke said.

"Not as much as I did when that was still beating in my chest," Regina said.

"Regina, this isn't the answer," Brooke said, "No matter how much pain you may feel, you can't just bury it in the woods."

"Watch me," Regina said.

"You won't feel better, you won't feel anything," Snow said.

"That's the point, I can't keep walking around, knowing that I'll never see Henry, that he doesn't even remember who I am," Regina said.

"We know exactly how you're feeling," Snow said, "I just said goodbye to my eldest daughter for the second time, Henry too," Snow said with her voice breaking, "But I promise you it will get better with that."

"Right now, it might be causing you pain, it's causing me pain. Henry was the first family I found, then Emma, but I promise you, it will let you feel something else soon enough," Brooke said.

"What's that?" Regina asked Brooke.

"The one thing Henry always wanted you to find... Happiness," Brooke told her.

"I can't be happy without him," Regina said with tears in her eyes.

"Find a way for Henry," Brooke said, "Please?"

Regina sighed and sniffled before she picked up her heart, gently cleaned the dirt off it and shoved it back into her chest as she inhaled sharply, her eyes were watery, "Now, let's get back to our castle," Regina said and stood up as did Brooke.

They heard rustling coming from a bush as red eyes were staring at them then flew out as the wind rushed past Snow.

"Did you hear that? There was something there, in that bush," Snow said.

Wicked Is Coming [OUAT | Two Saviours Series #3 | Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now