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The Jolly Roger flew through the force field and landed steadily on the water. Killian controlled the ship until it stopped at the docks. The heroes, had returned with the villains who became heroes, and the lost boys ready to find themselves a family as well as Wendy who was excited to find her brothers.

The heroes began getting off the ship to the townspeople cheering for them and they are brought into multiple hugs.

Archie walked to Brooke and hugged her, "Welcome home," He said and she hugged back.

"Thank you, do you remember us talking about a secret I couldn't tell my parents?" She asked and they pulled away, he nodded, "I told them and I feel so much better."

"I'm so glad," He smiled.

Brooke looked back to see Killian and Regina holding back, "Sorry Archie... I need to talk to someone," She said and walked to Regina, "Regina, I..."

Regina looked at her, "You could have told us about your history," She said and Brooke went to talk, "But I know how hard it is to explain a horrid past."

"That's not what I want to ask you," Brooke said.

"It's not?" Regina frowned a little in confusion,  "What is it?"

"You know how you use hate to bring out your magic... Is hate the only emotion a person can use?" She asked.

Regina thought for a moment, "You know something, I never thought about it... I wouldn't rule it out, you probably can use, love to use magic," She told her, "Give it a go one time and let me know."

Brooke nodded and walked to Killian, "Hey," She said and he looked at her, "You're not joining in with the hugs?" She asked with a smile.

"I'm not the hugging type, love" Killian said.

"How do you feel?" Mary Margaret said and Brooke looked over to see her parents.

"Pretty good, actually. I think the water must be working," David said.

"Aye, it is. Dreamshade overtook my brother the moment we left Neverland," Killian said.

"Gold will find a cure, you'll be okay," Mary Margaret said.

"I have to admit, there was a minute there I didn't believe we were all gonna make it out of that place," Brooke said.

"I know, I had the same thought," Emma said.

"Well, we did," David said.

Mary Margaret looked over to Regina who's standing alone, "And we a lot of it to her, Regina helped save us all," Mary Margaret said. 

After cheers for Regina, "So what about that shadow?" David asked looking at the black sail.

"Don't worry," Gold said walking up to them, "It's trapped, just as it was in the candle. The only person that can free it is safely in here," Gold said and held up the box that held Pan's body but not him.

"Hey, mom, dad, auntie Brooke, what about Felix? He's still free," Henry said.

"Henry's right..." Brooke said.

"Can't just let Felix walk away freely," Regina said.

"Oh, don't worry. We got plenty of cell space for this guy," David said and took Felix away.

Later, they made their way to Gold's shop to watch him lock up Pandora's box.

"Once I seal the box in here, no one can break the spell but me," Gold said as he opened the secret compartment the box was in before and he waved his hand above as he placed a spell on it.

Wicked Is Coming [OUAT | Two Saviours Series #3 | Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now