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Neal stayed strong and tried not to cry, as Belle dropped to her knees sobbing.

Regina walked forward and picked up the scroll, "Regina, are you okay?" Mary Margaret asked.

"I'm fine," Regina said.

Killian placed his hand on Brooke's shoulder, she turned around and hugged him.

"He saved us, Regina, don't let him die for nothing," Neal said to Regina.

"Regina," Brooke looked at her.

"What?" Regina asked.

"We're here for a reason, love, Pan?" Killian said.

"He's dead," Regina said.

"His curse remains, can you stop it or should we all start preparing our souls?" Killian chuckled, "Because mine's gonna take some time."

"It's here! It's here! The curse! It's here!" Leroy came running towards them yelling, "It's coming! From all sides, there's no escape."

"It's not too late, we can still stop it, right?" David asked, there was rumbling in the distance cause by the curse, "Regina?"

"Yes... Yes," Regina said.

"What's the price? Gold said that there was a price, what is our price?" Emma asked.

"It's not our price... It's mine," Regina said, "It's what I felt when I first held it. I have to say good-bye to the thing I love most."

"Henry?" Emma questioned.

"I can never see him again, I have no choice. I have to undo what I started," Regina said.

"The curse that brought us to Storybrooke," Mary Margaret said.

"That created Storybrooke," Regina corrected her, "It doesn't belong here and neither do any of us."

"Breaking the curse destroys the town," David said.

"It will wink out of existence as though it were never here and everyone would go back to where they're from, prevented from ever returning," Regina said.

"You'll go back to the Enchanted Forest," Emma said.

"All of us, expect Henry," Regina said and looked at Henry, "He will stay here because he was born here."

"Alone?" Emma asked.

"No, you will take him, because you're one of saviours. You were created to break the curse and once again, you can escape it," Regina said and looked at Brooke, "If you want it."

"I..I don't want to, we'll all go back with everyone," Emma said.

"That's not an option, I can't be with him. If I don't pay the price, none of this will work," Regina said as a thunderclap and rumbling spread throughout the sky as the wind picked up.

"Emma, you have to go," Mary Margaret said.

"I just found you," Emma whispered.

"And now it's time for you to leave us again. For your best chance, for his," Mary Margaret said and looked at Henry.

"No...No...No...I...I...I'm not done, we're not done. We're the saviours, right?" Emma looked at Brooke then their mother, "We're supposed to bring back all the happy endings. That's what Henry always said."

"Happy endings aren't always what they think they will be. Look around you, girls, you've touched the lives of everyone here," Mary Margaret said.

"But we're a family," Brooke said.

Wicked Is Coming [OUAT | Two Saviours Series #3 | Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now