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At the boathouse, Henry was still trying to wake Regina, "Mom! Mom, please. Wake up! Mom! Mom!" Henry pleaded.

Regina slowly woke up and looked at Henry, "Henry," She said and stood up then hugged him, "Henry, oh, Henry," She smiled, "I will never let you go away again. I promise, I love you, Henry," She said and kissed Henry lightly on the forehead.

A bight light came from the kissed and moved it's way out breaking the dark curse.

Brooke looked at Regina, "It wasn't us, it was you," Brooke said.

Emma turned to the their parents, "Mary Margaret, David, did it work? Do you remember the missing year?" She asked.

"Yes, everything," David said.

"Why did you hide it from me?" Brooke asked.

"You weren't ready at the time," Regina said.

"Okay... I don't like it, but okay. So, how did Zelena cast the curse?" Brooke asked.

Mary Margaret shook her head, "She didn't, Brooke... We did," She told her.

"You cursed yourselves?" Emma asked.

"Zelena's weakness is light magic. I mean, it's clear now, more than ever, you two are the only ones who can defeat her," Mary Margaret said, "That's why we kept telling you to go to Hook, whenever Zelena threatened us in the Enchanted Forest."

"That's why we paid the price for Regina's curse, to get to you Emma," David said.

"The price of the curse is the heart of the thing you love most. If one of you cast it, how are you both still here?" Emma asked.

"I paid the price and now we share a heart," David told his daughters.

"You split your heart?" Brooke asked Mary Margaret.

"Yes," Mary Margaret said.

Regina and Henry catch up with they leave the boathouse and Robin Hoob walked in joining them.

Brooke walked to Killian, "Are you gonna tell me what Zelena was talking about? She said you failed her," Brooke said.

"Don't listen to her," Killian said.

"Hook, what's going on? Were you working for her?" Emma asked, standing beside Brooke.

"The witch tried to back me into a corner. I did everything I could to resist her plans," Killian told them.

"So, whose idea was it to kidnap Henry and stick him on a boat?" Emma asked.

"It was mine, I was trying to save him," Killian said.

"From what? What is she doing?" Brooke asked.

"She curse me... My lips, actually," Killian told them.

"Your lips? Why?" Emma asked confused.

"She wants to steal both of your magic. She thought I was the best way of doing that. She knows what we all know, that you two can defeat her," Killian said.

"It should have been my decision to protect Henry. Whether she forced your hand or not, it doesn't matter. I can't trust you now, how can I?" Emma said.

"Is this why you distance yourself from me?" Brooke asked.

Just as Killian was about to answer her, "They're right not to, he has lied about more than just this," David said as he and Mary Margaret approached them.

Brooke turned around, "What?" She asked.

"You said you took Brooke to New York and brought Emma back to Storybrooke because you received a message from us with a memory potion," Mary Margaret said.

Wicked Is Coming [OUAT | Two Saviours Series #3 | Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now