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Killian, Emma and Brooke made their way to the Troll Bridge where they saw both Charming and Snow leaving the bridge.

"Wait," Killian whispered to the twins and they hid behind some tree branches watching the two.

"So, you probably want this," Charming said as he handed over a pouch to her.

"Right, the gold," Snow said taking the pouch from him.

"It appears your parents didn't need out help after all," Killian whispered as they continued to watch them.

"And, um, you can't get married without this," Snow said and handed over his satchel.

Charming took the satchel and took out his mothe's ring, "I know, not your style, right?" He asked.

"Oh, there's only one way to find out," Snow said and took the ring from him and slipped it on her wedding finger, getting a closer look at it. She was silent for a bit before she continued talking, "Yeah, not me at all. I'm sure your finacee will love it," She said as she removed the ring and handed it back to him.

Brooke and Emma silently cried as they watched him, "It's okay, ladies. Not everyone gets the chance to watch their parents fall in love," Killian whispered and wrapped his arm around Brooke.

"Well, wherever you are going, be care. If you need anything," Charming said.

"You'll find me," Snow interrupted him with a smile.

"Always," Charming said as he handed Snow her bundle.

"I almost believe that," Snow said.

Snow White and Charming began walking away in the opposite direction to each other.

"They're heading away from each other," Killian said, slightly worried.

"No, it's okay," Emma said.

"That's how it happened the first time, it took our parents a while to accept their feelings," Brooke said.

"Must run in the family," Killian said.

"You know how I feel..." Brooke whispered, "Come on let's get to Rumpelstiltskin and get home," She said.

"One minute," Emma said and took out the storybook from Killian's satchel and opened it to see the blank pages being filled in, "We did it," Emma smiled.


Emma, Brooke and Killian walked into Rumpelstilskin's castle, Killian was carrying the unconscious lady that Brooke knocked out.

"We did it," Emma said.

Rumpelstilskin was preparing a potion, "Your parents are together?" He asked her.

"They're right back on track," Emma confirmed.

"We're ready to go," Brooke said.

"I see," Rumpelstilskin glanced up and noticed the lady, "And you've brought some luggage," He commented.

"Long story, so, how's the portal coming? Can you open it?" Emma asked.

"I cannot," Rumpelstilskin told them.

"Then what are you working on?" Brooke asked.

"Oh, this is for me. A forgetting potion, I know too much about my future. The only way to protect it, is to forget it," Rumpelstilskin said.

"What about this wand, you said that could help us," Brooke said pointing to the wand on the table.

"Oh, that, well, apparently, only those who used the portal can reopen it. So unless you can wield magic, I'm afraid, you're going nowhere," Rumpelstilskin said and threw the wand to Emma, "Can you?" He asked and Emma and Brooke remained silent, "Thought not."

Wicked Is Coming [OUAT | Two Saviours Series #3 | Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now