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While they were enjoying their breakfast, they were notified that Little John was taken by a flying monkey when Robin and his merry men were chasing after a turkey near the town line. Emma, Brooke, Killian, David and Mary Margaret made their way to the town line, while Henry went back to their room in the B&B.

Robin walked to the town line, "This is where he was taken," He told them.

"I wouldn't step over that line if I were you," Brooke said.

"You think that Little John was carried away because he attempted to cross that line?" Robin asked her.

"Makes sense the dwarfs were out checking the line to see if anyone was coming or going when they disappeared. What exactly took Little John?" David asked.

"We didn't get a good look some manner of beast with wings," Robin said.

"It sounds a lot like the monster that attacked me in New York," Emma said.

"You mean the monster you were going to marry?" Killian asked.

"Killian," Brooke looked at him.

"You were going to marry someone?" David asked.

"Did you just miss the part where I said monster?" Killian asked.

"We need to find Little John," Robin said.

"It may lead us to everyone else who's gone missing," Brooke said.

"David, take him and the rest of his..." Emma said and struggled to find the right word.

"Merry Men," Robin told her.

"Right, them and run a search grid and see if you can find any sign of their missing guy," Emma said.

"What about you two, you both not joining us?" Killian asked.

"Not yet, Regina was right. We're not going to figure out who's behind this curse by talking to people one by one," Emma said.

"What are you going to do?" David asked.

"We're gonna talk to everybody," Brooke said and kissed Killian, "Behave," She whispered.

"When have I ever not behaved?" Killian asked with a smirk.

"You never behave one of the reasons I'm with you," She giggled and walked off with Emma.

The twins got all the people in the town, into the town hall and they were all talking over each other.

"Everyone! Everyone, we know that you're frightened and confused, but we need you to listen," Emma said.

"Is it true? Is there... Is there some king of monster keeping us from leaving town?" Archie asked.

"Is that what happened to my brothers?" Leroy asked.

"Yes, we believe that people are being abducted as they approach the town line," Brooke told them as Regina walked into the town hall.

"So we're trapped here again?" Granny asked, "It's no different than last time."

"Last time, we lost our memories. This time, we get dragged into the woods!" Leroy said.

"Do you know who cursed us... Why they want us here?" Belle asked them.

"We're working on it, but it is hard to figure out who cast the curse when no one remembers the last year," Brooke said.

"Who? Isn't it obvious?" Leroy asked.

"Do you remember something?" Emma asked him.

"Who cast the last curse? Who knows how to use it? Who's the only one who ever did anything like this before?! The Evil Queen!" Leroy said and pointed to Regina as everyone turned to her.

Wicked Is Coming [OUAT | Two Saviours Series #3 | Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now