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Emma was still freaking out about being on a small bridge where Brooke just stood there.

"Are you out of you out of your mind?!" Emma yelled at her.

"Every time you've exhibited your power, it's been spurred by your instincts. So today, we're gonna push those instincts until you master them," Regina explain.

"A little bit of reading doesn't sound so bad now, does it?" Brooke asked her sister.

"Emma I want you to stop me and Brooke I want you to get yourself to the other side of the bridge then make your way back here," Regina said.

"Stop you from what?" Emma asked.

"This," Regina said and waved her hand and the planks of wood began flying off.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Emma yelled as the twins held onto the ropes of the bridge.

"Making the bridges collapse, you can either stop it... Or die," Regina said to Emma and Emma kept yelling.

Brooke freaked out a little inside when she saw the planks of woods flying off. Her eyes widen as the wood beneath her disappeared. She fell down and waved her arm before appearing in light blue smoke beside Regina panting, "That's insane," She said out of breath and she saw Emma holding onto the rope of her bridge before the rope snapped and she fell, "Emma!"

Emma used her powers and the planks of wood collected beneath her feet and brought her back to Regina and Brooke.

"Did I... Did I just do that?" Emma asked.

"Yes, when all I wanted was for you to retie the rope," Regina said to Emma and turned to Brooke, "I wanted you to get to the other side before getting back here."

"It's like you said... Instinct... Why are you pissed? We did it, why does it matter how?" Emma asked.

"You think I'm mad because you didn't listen to me? I'm made because... Look at all this potential of you and you've been wasting it," Regina said to Emma.

Back at Gold's shop, Belle poured the locator potion onto Eric's clock.

"This is a locator spell, so whatever object it's poured on becomes enchanted and returned itself to its rightful owner," Belle explained to Ariel.

"Thank you, Belle. I know that you've been busy trying to find a way to break your Mr Gold out of the Witch's control. you didn't have to do this," Ariel said.

"No, I...I did, you know. Perhaps a little good news around here will be contagious," Belle said.

The cloak began to fly off, "Let's go!" Ariel said to Killian.

Enchanted Forest: Year Ago

On the docks, near the Jolly Roger, Killian, Ariel and Smee were hiding behind barrels.

"Up close, she's even more beautiful then I remember. Don't worry, my dear. You'll soon be back in my loving arms," Killian said.

"You do realise you're talking to a boat?" Ariel asked.

"You have your love, I have mine," Killian countered.

"So, how are we gonna get on board, Cap'n? Black Beard's crew outnumbers us... Maybe you're little lady can help," Smee said.

"Not bringing Lyn into anything like this, do you understand?" Killian said, "And I'll show you how," Killian said, he walked over to the ship and stunned a pirate before going on board with Ariel and Smee following behind him.

Killian took out his sword, "Stand at attention, mates! Now boarding the ship... The rightful captain of the Jolly Roger. Now, if the coward who tried stealing her from me would kindly show his face, I'll give him the punishment he deserves," Killian said.

Wicked Is Coming [OUAT | Two Saviours Series #3 | Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now