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Emma and Brooke were standing in front of two small campfires as Regina was trying to teach them how to control their magic.

"Focus... Concentrate," Regina said.

"It's kinda hard when you're talking in our ear," Emma said.

"And when the wind blows or it's raining or someone's shooting arrows at you. Yes, concentration's hard, that's the point. Find your anger and use it to focus," Regina said, "Brooke?"

Brooke crouched down and thought of something that angered her the focused, lighting her fire, "Sweet," She said.

"No, there has to be a way without going dark," Emma said.

"I didn't go dark," Brooke looked at Emma, "I just thought of Pan taking Henry. It was more upset than anger... But it worked."

"You're such a pathetic waste of ability," Regina said and turned away from Emma.

"And you're a monster," Emma said annoyed.

"Smell that?" Brooke asked.

"What?" Emma said.

"You made a fire," Brooke pointed to her campfire, "And, did you go dark?" 

Brooke saw Hook walking to her parents and she looked away as she remembered their kiss. She didn't regret it but she didn't know what to say to him.

Emma crouched down beside Brooke, "What's up?" She asked.

"Nothing," Brooke said and looked at Emma.

"Are you sure? You're hiding something... Still trying to think of the words to say?" Emma said.

"Yeah," Brooke nodded and looked at Emma, "Give me time, okay?"

"Of course," Emma said, "I told Henry you said hi when we contacted him, I kept meaning to tell you."

"Thank you, we'll get him back," Brooke said and stood up then saw her parents and Hook packing their things, "What are they doing?"

Emma stood up and looked over, "Let's find out," Emma said and walked over, "Where are you guys going?" She asked them.

"Firewood," Hook answered.

"To get water," David said at the same time as Hook's answer.

"What's going on?" Brooke asked.

"Neal's alive," Mary Margaret blurted out, "Sorry, she deserved to know," She said looking at Emma.

"Neal is...alive?" Emma questioned.

"How do you know?" Brooke asked.

"Pan told me," Hook told him.

"This is a waste of time, he's toying with us," Regina said.

"I don't think so, look," Mary Margaret said and led them to scuffling on the ground and a broken branch, "Scuffling, someone was definitely resisting."

"How do we know that mean Neal?" Emma asked.

"Well, someone was fighting for their life," Mary Margaret answered.

"Are you really going to fall for this?" Regina asked the twins who looked at her, not answering showing they believe someone is in trouble, "Fine, you wanna follow the evil munchkin's dirt read? Be my guest," Regina said and began walking away.

"Wait, where are you going?" Emma asked.

"To save our son," Regina said.

"We need to stick together," Emma told her.

Wicked Is Coming [OUAT | Two Saviours Series #3 | Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now