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Rumpelstilskin, Emma, Brooke and Killian were walking into the main room of Rumpelstilskin's castle.

"Thank you, Mr Gol-" Emma began to say but stopped herself mid-sentence, "Rumpelstilskin, for believing us, I know that time-travel is hard to swallow," Emma said.

"Not as hard as the other mystery you've presented me," Rumpelstilskin said and pointed to Killian, "Why haven't I killed him?" He asked.

"If it makes you feel any better, it wasn't for lack of efforts. Let's just say that we buried the hatchet," Killian told him.

"Yes, but why not in your skull?" Rumpelstiltskin asked and demonstrating axing Killian's head with his hand.

Belle entered the room, "Oh, Rumpelstilskin, you're back," She walked forward to them, "Do you, uh, do you need anything?"

Emma turned around, "Belle," She said and Brooke facepalmed, at Emma's slip of her tongue.

Belle looked at Emma, "Sorry, do... Do we know each other?" Belle asked.

"Ah... Sorry, no.. Mr... Um, Rumple... The Dark One told me about you," Emma said.

"Did he?" Belle questioned.

"No," Rumpelstilskin said bluntly and made a dismissive gesture to Belle, "Go away and read a book or whatever it is you like to do. Come back and clean later," He ordered and walked a bit away to his chair.

"You could ask nicely," Belle said.

Rumpelstilskin turned to her, "I could also turn you into a toad," He said and Belle left.

"It's a miracle you two fall for each other," Emma muttered and Brooke pressed her forehead against Killian's arm.

"What?" Rumpelstilskin looked at her confused, "I mean, first you tell me I let the pirate live and now you're telling me I fall for the help."

Killian interrupted before Emma spoke, "Yes, she has a strange sense of humour," He said, "Can we get back to their parents?"

"Yes, your right, who are they?" Rumpelstilskin asked as he walked to his chair.

"Snow White and Prince Charming," Emma said by instinct.

"Prince Charming?" Rumpelstilskin mocked.

"Prince James," Brooke said.

"That's King George's son, whose wedding I've just arrange?" Rumpelstilskin questioned.

"See, that's what we're trying to tell you. This marriage isn't supposed to happen because the ring he going to give her gets stolen by Snow," Emma told him.

"It's quite a tale you're spinning," Rumpelstilskin said looking at Emma, "How am I to know that what you are saying is true."

"Here, let me show you. It's in the book," Emma said and showed Rumpelstilskin the storybook. Emma turned pages and noticed after a while the pages are blank, "Wait, what?" 

"It's all gone, anything that was supposed to happen after they met has disappeared," Killian said.

"It's the ripple effect," Brooke said.

"Correct," Rumpelstilskin said, "Once you change something in the past, anything from that point forward becomes uncertain. The future, as you can see, is a blank page," Rumpelstilskin explained and gestured to the blank page.

"We need to get Snow to steal that ring, so we can put their story back on track," Brooke said.

"You're in luck, there's a ball tonight at King Midas' castle. Prince James will be there and so will his ring," Rumpelstilskin told them.

Wicked Is Coming [OUAT | Two Saviours Series #3 | Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now