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Unfortunately, Chen shi and her daughter did not know that even the model for all women, the Empress had never before received any. Otherwise, how could so much have fallen in to the hands of Prince Yu.

Feng Yu Heng found some information on the value of the items among the memories belonging to the body's original owner. She could only sigh, as that person's money spending habits caused even her to nearly bite her tongue.

But, since the other party wished to gift, then she would not reject them. She only faced lady Zhou and smiled shallowly: "I request the lady thank his Highness Prince Yu on my behalf. These gifts, A-Heng likes them very much."

The members of the Feng family rolled their eyes, did it stop at like very much? Did this Feng Yu Heng truly understand what these gifts meant? This meant that she was simply the most blessed female in the world!

Feng Fen Di broke down and loudly cried. How could a girl who had just turned ten years old handle this kind of shock. As tears flooded down and snot came dripping out, that was the face of someone who had been wronged.

Han shi was visibly upset. First being disgraced was not enough, and now she actually cried?

She was so angry that she secretly pinched Fen Dai. This resulted in Fen Dai crying even louder.

Xiang Rong was just beside Fen Dai. Seeing her like this was truly disgraceful. Regardless, she bore with it and tried to convince her: "Fourth sister, quickly stop crying. Everyone is looking."

How could Fen Dai listen to her? Not only did she not listen, but she replied while crying: "I also want moon palace silk. I also want smokey silk gauze! Wu1, I really want all of those things!"

Feng Jin Yuan angrily yelled: "Impertinent!" This frightened Fen Dai so much she couldn't breathe, and almost passed out.

Feng Yu Heng watched this farce play out. She felt quite pleased. Looking over towards Feng Chen Yu who was lightly biting her lip, she decided to give her some more roadblocks- "Fourth sister, quickly stop crying." While talking, she explained to lady Zhou: "Lady please do not blame my fourth sister, she is still young."

Lady Zhou naturally would not make a fuss over a ten year old child. She merely smiled and shook her head indicating it was fine.

Feng Yu Heng then spoke again: "Fourth sister, rest assured. When the time comes, if there is any material left after sister is done making clothes, I will at least give fourth sister a handkerchief."

Although handkerchiefs are small, if it is made with one of the five treasures, then it would be considered one of the most amazing things in the world.

After she said these words, not only did Fen Dai stop crying, even Han shi's bewitching smile returned to her face.

"Second sister is telling the truth?" Fen Dai urgently asked.

Feng Yu Heng nodded, "Naturally it's the truth. You and Xiang Rong are my little sisters. As your older sister, when I get nice things, it's natural to share them with my little sisters. Thinking of, eldest sister is the same. You wouldn't fight with our little sisters for things right?"

Changing the topic, she dragged Feng Chen Yu in to the conversation.

Feng Chen Yu had only just been reined in from her frenzied state by her convictions of becoming the model for all women, yet now it almost boiled over again. Thankfully, the years she spent painstakingly practicing her ability to endure were not in vain. She willed down her greedy desires, still she spent a long while to adjust. Only then did she reply in a changed tone: "Naturally."

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女)[Book 1]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ