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Feng Jin Yuan also knew that once Chen shi entered the palace, the Feng family would need to make its position clear.

Imperial concubine Yun was not by the Emperor, but if the Emperor did not have her in his heart, how could he dote on the child she bore him to this degree.

"Forget it!" He waved his hand as though he were trying to swat away all the endless troubles, "If that vile woman can escape the palace alive, then she will be sent to Bright Moon nunnery outside the city."

Feng Chen Yu closed her eyes in despair. The sound of a glorious fall sounded in her mind.

Was the Feng family going to give up on her?

Inside Tong Sheng pavilion, Feng Yu Heng arranged for Qing Yu to audit the accounts together with eunuch Zhang then sent the two along to Wonderful Treasure House. The current shopkeeper definitely could not be used any longer, and the things in the shop had been swapped out by Chen shi, so there wasn't anything of much value remaining. She decided to simply close up Wonderful Treasure House like she had Hundred Herb Hall for a few days, while she properly took care of cleaning up the shop.

As for herself, she left the manor with Huang Quan. Her destination was a village in the suburbs of the capital.

Earlier she had promised the old man who had purchased fake ginseng that she would go pay a visit. The things that were said had to be fulfilled.

The address had been taken down by Huang Quan. When they arrived, they just happened to witness a family's daughter getting married. A small donkey carried a girl wearing a red bridal veil, with a granny who took care of the bride at her side. The bride herself carried a cloth bundle on her shoulders, likely containing some clothes for her to wear. Desolate and cold, there was not an atmosphere of celebration. There were some villagers that went along and sent her to the entrance to the village, but they also simply shook their heads sighing.

Feng Yu Heng had her horse-drawn carriage pull over to allow the donkey to pass. The surrounding villagers dialogue drifted over: "Such a good young girl is going to marry an idiot. What a pity."

"Old Chen's family has no choice. Jiao'er's mother is sick to such a degree that the family owes a great deal of debt. If she didn't go marry that idiot, where would the money come from for her mother to see a doctor."

"Wasn't the ginseng brought to save her life? Why was there no improvement?"

"Ginseng was merely to keep her alive. The prescription wasn't just ginseng. Unable to afford the other medicines and without money to invite a doctor, I think that Jiao's mother is on her last breath with the ginseng running out."

Feng Yu Heng figured that old Chen's family was the one she was looking for, so she had the driver continue onward.

As the carriage entered the village, it took numerous turns before finally stopping in a remote corner.

Huang Quan helped Feng Yu Heng off the carriage and saw that the so-called family home was just a thatched tent. There were very noticeable holes on all sides. A cloth curtain hung in the entrance in the place of a door.

This scene could not help but make her remember Xi Ping village where the body's original owner had lived for three years. She could not help but heave a sigh.

Huang Quan took the lead and entered through the curtain. Inside the small space was an elderly couple, one sitting and one lying down. The one sitting was the old man who had come to Hundred Herb Hall.

The old man, seeing that people had come, was stunned at first. Then noticing that it was Feng Yu Heng, instantly became so surprised he did not know what to say.

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女)[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now