The Most Wretched one is You

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The servants immediately ran out. Feng Jin Yuan had already received the change of clothes fetched by the servants. Holding the clothes while in Han shi's arms, he headed behind the screen. Feng Yu Heng supported the matriarch and said: "Grandmother, please take a seat." Then gave an order to a servant: "Clean the floor up a bit."

When Feng Jin Yuan came out, the study had been restored to a certain degree. Even Jin Zhen had properly put on her clothes, as she looked at the ground.

But nobody had noticed that Wang Chuan, who had been by Feng Yu Heng's side, had left Pine courtyard at some point in time. Only Qing Yu was left behind to attend.

Not long later, the two servants who had gone to the guest courtyard returned with a pot for decocting herbal medicine, but doctor Xu and the servant who delivered the medicine were nowhere to be found.

Feng Jin Yuan frowned: "I said to bring the person. Where is the person?"

One of the servants spoke; "Master, doctor Xu and his servant are no longer in the manor. This servant only found a medical pot that had been knocked to the ground. We also brought a granny who was washing clothes in the courtyard."

The matriarch spoke heavily with a cold face: "Bring her in."

The granny was brought in to the room by the servants. Seeing so many masters in the room, she knelt down in fear.

Feng Chen Yu up until now had always maintained the appearance of a Buddha, even now was no exception. She softly spoke: "Do not fear, granny. We only called you here to ask some questions."

The matriarch continued: "Where are doctor Xu and his servant, who lived at the guest courtyard?"

The granny was so afraid that she did not dare raise her head. She responded while trembling: "This old servant is only responsible for washing clothes. Normally, there is very little communication with doctor Xu. About half an hour ago, this old servant saw doctor Xu quickly leave the courtyard. This old servant was talkative and asked. Doctor Xu said that he was going to see a patient, and that was the end of the conversation."

The court physician was, in the end, a guest. Leaving and entering the manor was quite lax. Hearing the granny say this, the matriarch knew that further questioning would lead nowhere and waved her hand, allowing her to retire.

Feng Yu Heng took the initiative and walked before a male servant. Receiving the medical pot, she inspected it carefully then gave it a sniff. Only then did she speak to everyone: "This is the pot used to prepare that medicine."

Chen shi feigned anger: "That wretched old man!" After speaking, she did not forget to glare at Jin Zhen.

Feng Yu Heng continued: "Father can bring another doctor in to take a look."

Feng Jin Yuan waved his hand: "Father believes in you."

What did it matter if he didn't believe? These so-called ugly family scandals could not be made public. It was best if one fewer person knew about it. He had already lost enough face today.

Feng Chen Yu looked around at everyone and spoke not without regret: "That doctor Xu must have escaped knowing his guilt. If that is the case, then mother has indeed been wronged. But we can not find the real criminal. Mother really has been wronged!" As she spoke, her eyes reddened slightly.

At this moment, Wang Chuan's voice transmitted in from outside- "Eldest young miss has been overanxious. This servant has brought back both the doctor and his maidservant, inviting the masters to carefully investigate."

Finished speaking, she threw a man and a woman in to the room with a thump. As for Wang Chuan, who threw them in, it was as though she were only carrying around two cakes and showed no signs of fatigue or tiredness.

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女)[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now