Invited to Refined Deity Building

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Ming Tian Xuan1 did not refute Bai Ze's glowing praise. When had his vision ever been bad. If it were a normal girl, how could they ever enter his, Ming Tian Xuan's, eyes. How could they be worthy of his hand in marriage.

"Go, tell the governor that this king says that there are some people who will not speak without being beaten first."

"This servant understands." Bai Ze quickly hid his relaxed appearance. His face became cold, and in the blink of an eye, moved quite far.

Back inside Hundred Herb Hall, Feng Yu Heng had no clue that her every movement was being watched by that person. She was currently explaining the Hundred Herb Hall's past situation "This Hundred Herb Hall was originally gifted by my maternal grandfather to my concubine mother as a dowry. Because my concubine mother and I were sent to the northwest a few years ago, Hundred Herb Hall was taken care of with the help of my family. Perhaps because mother was too busy and could not find time for this shop that such an unruly person to enter this place. Everyone should go to a different medical herb shop for today. I will be closing Hundred Herb Hall for a few days to re-organize. When we re-open, I hope that everyone will trust in us just a little bit and will give Hundred Herb Hall another chance."

These average citizens very rarely had a chance to hear a famous and ladylike person speak. Moreover, they had personally seen her get rid of an evil shopkeeper. At the moment, they would definitely express that they trusted the Feng family's second young miss. They hoped that Hundred Herb Hall would re-open soon.

After sending away the citizens, Feng Yu Heng personally returned the twenty taels to the old man who had been cheated. She then ordered a shop employee: "Bring a piece of ginseng over."

Immediately, the employee brought over some ginseng. She looked at it and ensured there were no problems. Only then did she hand the ginseng over to the old man: "Old sir, take this back for your emergency. In a moment, I will have a maidservant take down your home address. Tomorrow, I will personally make a house visit to examine aunty."

The old man was emotional to the point of speechlessness. He firmly tried to push the bag of silver in to Feng Yu Heng's hands, but she resolutely refused, "Treat this as repayment. Old sir, quickly go back, treating aunty is a priority."

Finally, all outside matters had been resolved. Feng Yu Heng had the shop's employees close the front door. She then went over to the young employee who had brought the glossy ganoderma and asked: "What is your name?"

The young employee was clever. Hearing his employer ask him a question, he quickly responded: "This one's name is Wang Lin. I live in the capital's eastern suburbs. My mother and father are also both helpers."

Feng Yu Heng nodded and continued: "I am particular about the bond between employer and employee. Although I do not truly understand you and I am not too familiar with this shop, based on how you reminded me about the glossy ganoderma today, how would you feel about becoming the shopkeeper of this Hundred Herb Hall. Could you do it?"

Upon hearing these words, the young man named Wang Lin was stunned for a moment before dropping to his knees. Facing Feng Yu Heng, he solemnly said: "So long as the boss wants me, then I can do it!"

"Very good." She liked young people with this kind of spirit. Being humble all the time does is not effective. "Starting today, Hundred Herb will be managed by you. Other than that, I have something else to ask you. You come here just to do manual labor and haven't sold yourself right?"

Wang Lin nodded, "I am just here for manual labor. I am paid monthly and have never sold myself."

"Then do you want to sell yourself to me? You can rest assured that I won't mistreat you, and I will only be buying you for five years. After five years, if you wish to continue following me, then we renew the contract. If you want to leave, then I will immediately let you go free."

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女)[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now