This Explosive Temper

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Feng Yu Heng moved towards the group of people and heard them discuss: "I heard that real gold does not fear being put in fire. Do you guys think that we could pull out a few pieces from the ashes? Regardless, this is a palace. It should not be possible for there to not be a single piece of gold."

"Even if there are pieces of gold, they will not fall into our hands! Did you not see the group of guards rush in and search the place after the fire finished burning. Even if there were pieces of gold, they would have been taken away by them!"

"Ah, what a pity. Such a large palace, yet it disappeared in the blink of an eye."

Feng Yu Heng rubbed her eyes and stared at the rubble before her... oh, the correct saying here would be ashes. She asked Wang Chuan: "This is Ding An palace?"

Wang Chuan's tongue was also tied for a bit, "That's right... I think..."

Good! Feng Yu Heng brought her hand to her forehead. It really was the case that not a single hair was left. Even the stone carving by the main gate had been smashed to bits.

"How much hate does Xuan Tian Ming have for Ding An palace to reduce it to this degree. Previously, he had only burned their garden, so they could still repair it. Now... if they want to continue living here, perhaps it would need to be reconstructed, right?"

Wang Chuan told her: "His Highness must be venting for young miss. There is no way that his Highness does not know of the things that happened the day of Princess Ding An's birthday banquet. Ding An palace bullying young miss to such an extent, it would be weird if his Highness could resist."

Feng Yu Heng raised the corners of her mouth... such an explosive temper.

Just as she was feeling emotional, she heard a group of beggars rushing over from the street behind her. As they ran, they shouted: "Prime Minister Feng really is strange. He keeps changing his wife. Anyone can be the daughter of his first wife. Now, he is wanting to abandon Chen Yu!"

Xiang Palace

The third prince, Xuan Tian Ye, looked at Feng Jin Yuan who was seated to his right. For a long time, he did not say a word. His appearance was mighty and imposing. Even when he did not show any expressions, he appeared to be angry. Moreover, Xuan Tian Ye basically did not smile. His entire body was always shrouded in a thick oppressive aura, which made everyone around him break into a cold sweat.

Feng Jin Yuan had only just sat down for a short while, yet he felt a cold wind blowing against the back of his neck. It always felt as though a pair of eyes were staring at him from behind. Turning his head, he did not find even the shadow of a person present.

Finally, Xuan Tian Ye spoke in completely different manner from Xuan Tian Ming's slow and deliberately ambiguous tone. Xuan Tian Ye's tone was cold like ice that had been frozen for a thousand years. Each word he spoke carried an icy tip "Minister Feng, this prince wants to borrow Chen Yu's glory, this much is not false; however, have you ever seen an Empress who was born from a concubine?"

Feng Jin Yuan immediately stood up, his forehead dripping cold sweat, "Your Highness Prince Xiang, do not worry. Chen Yu is the Feng family's daughter to the first wife. This fact will never change."

"Is that so?" Xuan Tian Ye glared at Feng Jin Yuan, "Thinking about it, Minister Feng does not go out often. Go out and have a listen. Even the beggars at the side of the road know that you have changed your daughter to the first wife. How can Minister Feng still speak so resolutely?"

Feng Jin Yuan felt his head swell. It was not that he had not heard the rumors floating around outside, but just as he was thinking of ways to stop them, the rumors made their way to Xiang Palace!

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女)[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now