Debts of Blood Are Repaid in Blood

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Everyone rushed over to the gate in a hurry. When they arrived, they saw that there were at least 20 people crowded around causing a ruckus. They were all in the primes of their lives, and they were all shouting "Murders pay with their lives! Debts in blood will be repaid in blood!"

Feng Jin Yuan stood outside the gates with his hands clasped behind his back in a dignified manner. The people who had come to cause trouble did not dare move forward, but their shouts continued and did not stop.

The worst part was that there was a man on a stretcher in front of the gates who lay there like a "dead man." His ragged clothes could hardly cover his body, while there were countless holes in his straw sandals.

That morning, Wang Chuan and Feng Yu Heng had gone to gather at Shu Ya courtyard. At this time, Huang Quan appeared out of no where and ran over. Leaning close to her ear, she quietly said: "Ban Zou said that something happened at Hundred Herb Hall."

Feng Yu Heng frowned, a strong irritation washed over her heart, "I got it." She coldly spat out these words then immediately broke through the crowd. She took the initiative and stood next to Feng Jin Yuan.

Whether it was because she had appeared too suddenly or because she had recently been too vicious recently that she gave off a fierce aura, the originally arrogant troublemakers all shut their mouths. Each and every one of them looked at her, cautious and afraid.

One person was a little slower to stop shouting, as he shouted "Hundred Herb Hall's pills caused the death of someone. Feng family, blood debts must be repaid in blood!"

Feng Yu Heng fiercely glanced over at him, causing that person to shut their mouth. Feng Jin Yuan then said: "A-Heng, it is a matter of Hundred Herb Hall. You must give the citizens an explanation."

She did not even look at her father, only coldly saying: "Father, do not worry. A-Heng naturally will not allow the Feng family to be tarnished." As she said this, she advanced a couple steps and looked around at the crowd of troublemakers. Raising the corner of her lips, she coldly said: "Since it is a matter with Hundred Herb Hall, why did you not go surround Hundred Herb Hall and instead came to Feng manor's gates?"

The people in the crowd looked at each other, pushing one another for quite some time. In the end, they pushed out someone to act as a representative. It was a man around 30 years old with a sturdy build. At this time, he deliberately put on a menacing face and took a step forward. Facing Feng Yu Heng, he shouted: "Hundred Herb Hall is the Feng family's business, so we naturally must come to the Feng family to talk! Since you are the shopkeeper of the Hundred Herb Hall, then you must give us an explanation. The medical pills that you sell have caused someone to die. How should this debt be sorted?"

Feng Yu Heng was beside herself, "How do you know that I am the shopkeeper? A twelve year old girl like me is able to manage a shop of that size?"

The sturdy man clearly did not have many spare brain cells and subconsciously said: "The boss told us!"

Feng Yu Heng became spirited "Who is the boss?"

Someone in the crowd immediately realized that they had revealed too much and quickly prodded the sturdy man. That man then immediately reacted and retracted what he said: "What boss? Where did this boss come from? I said that there was a neighbor that told us. Hundred Herb Hall's shopkeeper is the Feng family's second young miss."

Feng Yu Heng laughed. She no longer wanted to argue with them. Lowering her head, she looked down at the dead person lying down before saying: "Bring your dead and follow me to Hundred Herb Hall." As she said this, she raised her voice. Facing the ever growing crowd of civilians and members of the Feng family, she said: "If anyone wants to continue watching, then come along. When the time comes, I want everyone to act as witnesses to see if there is any truth behind what they said about pills from Hundred Herb Hall causing someone's death. Or if they are simply people with ulterior motives who have come to cause trouble."

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