Invitation to the Palace Banquet

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The people of the Feng manor turned their heads and looked over. Sure enough, that carriage went straight towards where they were before stopping before the gate to the Feng manor.

After this, the curtain to the carriage was lifted and a young girl in palace clothing leisurely exited.

The reason the matriarch recognized this carriage was because the palace sent a carriage around to each of the great houses in the capital. In the carriage was a group of identical and beautiful palace maids. The invitations that were sent were for the Mid-Autumn Banquet that the Empress was holding.

Generally, such invitations would be handed out on a family-by-family basis. The family's grandmother, head wife, and son and daughter of the first wife were all invited.

As for the Feng family, in previous years, it was only the matriarch that represented them. Before that, it was Yao shi that went. This year, however, it was unknown who would be invited.

The matriarch was slightly moved as she moved forward. She took the initiative and greeted the young girl: "Oh, the one sending it to the Feng family this year is this girl. It has been one year since we last met, and you truly are becoming more beautiful every time we meet."

The girl immediately displayed a brilliant smile and got off the carriage. She then faced the matriarch and bowed: "This servant greets elderly madam Feng and greets Lord Feng."

The matriarch quickly went up and stopped her: "There is no need to be so courteous."

Feng Jin Yuan also smiled and nodded: "The Feng family just happened to be celebrating a joyous occasion today. We just sent off the second son to Xiao Zhou to become head teacher Ye Rong's disciple. Since this girl has come to deliver the invitation, how about coming in to sit for a while and drink some tea before leaving!"

The palace servant, hearing these words, quickly congratulated Feng Jin Yuan: "Head teacher Ye is the current Emperor's respected master! The Feng family's second young master really has good fortune. It seems that Lord Feng's daily teachings have been proper. I truly congratulate Lord Feng."

Everyone loved hearing honeyed words. Of the servants that came out of the palace, which one did not know how to read the situation and act accordingly. Just a few words made everyone in the Feng manor smile widely.

However, she did refuse to enter the manor for a cup of tea. She only handed the invitation over the matriarch: "This is an invitation handed down personally by the Empress. This year's banquet has a few more names on the invitation list for the Feng family. Elderly madam should start preparing earlier." She then turned to Feng Jin Yuan and said: "In accordance with established practices, the Empress only included the names of the females invited. My Lord will be invited by the Emperor himself at court."

The matriarch received the invitation and said a few more words to the palace maid before the other side left.

When the carriage was out of sight, the matriarch endured her curiosity and did not open the invitation. She turned to everyone and said: "All of you, come with me to Shu Ya courtyard. Jin Yuan, you go busy yourself with your business. There is no need for you to worry about the concerns of the women."

Feng Jin Yuan nodded and headed towards Pine courtyard. As for everyone else, they followed the matriarch and went towards Shu Ya courtyard.

Only after they entered Shu Ya courtyard and everyone was seated did the matriarch open the invitation.

It had to be said about the invitation, three years ago, only the matriarch and Yao shi were invited because Feng Yu Heng was not yet ten years old, so it was inconvenient for her to attend a palace banquet.

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