Reviving a Corpse

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Feng Yu Heng's shout nearly frightened the life out of the matriarch, as she said: "What are you doing?"

Feng Yu Heng replied to the matriarch words: "Naturally, I am sending them to the Imperial palace! Weren't they wanting to go complain to the Emperor? It would not be good if they could not find the way. But this corpse must also be brought along. I will have a servant go find an imperial coroner to see whether it was the pill that caused his death. Only after examining the corpse can a result be declared."

Hearing her response, the matriarch relaxed. There could not possibly be anything wrong with Feng Yu Heng's medical pill. She was very certain of this point. She had also taken the medicines that Feng Yu Heng had given her. Although there were no medical pills, the other kinds of medicines were very effective too.

The matriarch nodded: "That's right, A-Heng, you are doing things very properly."

The unruly crowd immediately became dispirited upon hearing mention of a coroner. They looked around at each other, not knowing what their next step should be.

Feng Yu Heng was entertained by their expressions. She could not help but say: "Not even being able to follow a flow chart for framing somebody, yet you dare to do such an errand?" She suddenly shouted and scolded them angrily "Speak! Who was it that told you to do cause trouble for the Feng family?"

The crowd began trembling, and the sturdy man subconsciously said "It was a gi..."

"Shut your mouth! Do you not want to live anymore?" Someone at his side tightly pinched him, giving him a warning.

The sturdy man quickly shut his mouth and remained silent.

Feng Yu Heng had received a piece of information from the other side and glanced from the corner of her eye at Feng Chen Yu. She saw the other side had a worried expression, but she saw a hint of joy in her eyes.

But she immediately determined that this matter was not caused by Chen Yu.

Then who could it be?

Bu Ni Shang?

That was quite likely!

While she was thinking, both sides remained in a deadlock. Feng Jin Yuan was anxious over this matter and waved his hand: "If you do not agree with having a coroner perform an examination, then take the corpse back! This matter is related to the Hundred Herb Hall and is unrelated to my Feng manor. If you dare cause trouble for no reason, this prime minister will definitely have the governor of the capital punish you for the crimes of causing trouble!"

Seeing Feng Jin Yuan become fierce, the crowd of unruly people became scared. This was, after all, the current prime minister. Normally, how could they meet such a level of a high-ranking official? Even if they could meet one, they would need to remain at a distance and bowed down. They would be afraid to accidentally bump heads such an honored person, which would be like signing their own death warrant.

But today, not only did they bite the bullet and bump heads, they even forcefully blamed the Feng family falsely of a crime. If it were not for their employers paying them too much, they would rather die than take this risk.

With things progressing as they had, the sturdy man began acting childishly. He simply dropped his butt on the ground "If you do not give an explanation, then we will not leave!"

"That's right! We will not leave!" Everyone followed suit. For a while, there was a large group of people seated in front of the door to Hundred Herb Hall.

Feng Jin Yuan felt his head swell and asked Feng Yu Heng: "Would it be alright to call for a government official?"

Feng Yu Heng, however, shook her head: "If we are rough with them, then it will become the Hundred Herb Hall bullying people. The effect on the Feng family name will be too large."

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女)[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now