I Came to Examine the Palace my Fiance Burned

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But Chen Yu's appearance had nothing to do with Feng Yu Heng. She simply pulled Xiang Rong to the normal carriage. As she prepared to enter the carriage, she heard Chen Yu say: "My two sisters, how about sitting with me. There is a great deal of space on both sides. The servants can sit in the other carriage."

Feng Yu Heng raised an eyebrow. This meant that the current carriage would be used for servants?

"Many thanks eldest sister for your invitation, but there is no need. We are both lowly concubine's daughters. Squeezing in with the servants is fine." Throwing out these words, she pushed the curtain aside and entered the carriage. Xiang Rong also bowed to Chen Yu and followed Feng Yu Heng into the carriage. Behind her, Wang Chuan entered with the servant with Xiang Rong. The four went with the flow and entered the carriage, leaving only Chen Yu behind outside.

Feng Chen Yu clenched her fists and glared through the curtain into the carriage, before resentfully climbing into her own rosewood carriage.

The two carriages left together for Ding An palace. This was Xiang Rong's first time attending one of these events and was a little nervous. Sitting in the carriage, she continuously wrung her handkerchief.

Feng Yu Heng simply closed her eyes and caught up on some sleep. In reality, she had been thinking that she needed to make a show of things. Using moon palace silk, she would make two sets of pajamas. She would wear one set and the other would be given to Yao shi.

As she pondered this, they arrived at Ding An palace.

When they arrived, a great number of madams and young misses were already at the gate chatting. Seeing that the Feng family's carriage arrived, they all stopped what they were doing and looked towards the two carriages.

The curtains of both carriages were lifted at the same time. Xiang Rong followed behind Feng Yu Heng, still with the shyness around strangers, she did not even dare raise her head.

Feng Yu Heng, however, did not feel anything about it. Lifting the curtain, she exited the carriage with the support of the servants then turned her head to look at Feng Chen Yu.

She saw that this eldest young miss' haughtiness was not average. First, the carriage driver placed a step stool a the door to the carriage, then it was the two maidservants, Yi Lin and Yi Yue that exited the carriage. With one servant on each side supporting her, she exited the carriage. Yi Yue then turned around to hold up the trailing train.

Feng Yu Heng looked at this haughtiness and remembered the Western weddings of the 21st century. She could not stop herself from raising the corners of her lips. Feng Chen Yu really was looking for trouble.

This was the Feng family's three young misses first time attending the Ding An palace's banquet. Speaking of, this was also the first time the Feng family placed their daughters in the public.

Previously, Feng Yu Heng was not in the capital, so she naturally could not attend. Xiang Rong and Fen Dai were both too young, so they also did not have the qualification. As for Feng Chen Yu, she was treated as a treasure by the Feng family and hidden in the manor. Outsiders could only hear whispers that the Feng family had a daughter to the first wife whose elegance and intelligence were seen once per generation; however, they never actually saw her real ability.

Now that the three stood before the palace gate, they immediately attracted a few gasps.

Of course, the sound was for Feng Chen Yu.

Feng Chen Yu was extremely beautiful. This sort of beauty was neither seductive not light, it was such that it made everyone appreciated her beauty. It made people who looked unable to resist crying out in surprise.

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女)[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now