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well, i was completely wrong. dinner with mina could hurt.

everything was going fine but then mina's friends, let's say, joined us.


mina and i locked our dorm and started heading towards the elevator before another door opened up.

"mina!" a voice called from behind us.

mina and i both turned to the voice, whose owner seemed to be a redhead. mina practically ran to them and jumped into their arms. the redhead caught her and they spun in a circle.

i looked around to see if anyone else was seeing this or if i had truly lost it. mina jumped back down and gestured for me to go over to them. i walked over and came face to face with a pretty boy.

'so, is everyone here absolutely gorgeous or??'

mina and the boy both laughed. i quirked an eyebrow up.

"if everyone's gorgeous, that includes you too, you know that right?" the boy asked, voice warm.

and for what was like the third time that day, i blushed, "oh my god, did i say that outloud?"

mina laughed softer this time but thankful changed the subject by introducing me to the boy.

"y/n! this is eijiro kirishima."

eijiro stuck out his hand and i shook it, slightly surprised at how rough his hands were.

"and ei, this is y/n l/n, my roommate and the love of my life."

i must've shown the surprise on my face because eijiro chuckled, "so you're majoring in dance, huh?"

"oh, yeah i am. how did you know?"

"mina doesn't meet many dance majors so when she does, she becomes a little too excited." he explained, flicking a pouting mina.

"but it's okay! i think it's manly!"

"okay, ei, we're heading out to the cafeteria for dinner. so stop holding us hostage."

"oh! oh! let me come down with you, guys!" he said, heading into the room, looking around the living room for something.

"but i'm hungry right now," mina said, drawing out the o," meet us over there."

eijiro huffed but nodded his head,"i'll bring bakubro too!"

mina raised her brow, "are you sure he'll even want to come out now? it's getting late."

"of course, he would!" eijiro faced the rooms farther into the dorm and shouted,"bro, come get dinner with us!"

it was quiet for a moment before eijiro got a response, "shut the fuck up, ass for brains!"

eijiro turned to us, unfazed, "we'll meet you guys in a bit."

we waved bye to the redhead and finally made our way to the cafeteria.


another thing Yuuei was known for was definitely their food. they provided meals for all of the students there and they were good meals at that.

mina insisted on getting the same thing i did, so we both just decided on chinese food. we sat down at a table, across from each other.

"so, how do you know eijiro?" i asked, trying to make conversation.

"oh! we met in our first year of high school! i met the rest of the boys like that. oh, and kyo too!"

i hummed in acknowledgement, smiling at how energetic mina seemed to be.

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