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the first day of classes weren't so bad, getting to know the teachers, reviewing the syllabus, and regrouping with the gang after classes. the teachers i got to meet were definitely idiosyncratic. from my dance history teacher being a loud blond with an.. interesting mustache to the ballet technique teacher sporting a pretty pair of handcuff bracelets.


there was never a lack of talent at Yuuei. on my way to classes, there was a constant flurry of music majors filling the air with gorgeous tunes. occasionally, dancers would titter and move to the rhythm.

the sporadic art student would have an easel propped up, admiring the campus, and somewhere along the grass, sat an engineer major tweaking at whatever new thing they were making or racing small models.


becoming familiar with Yuuei and its courses was easier than i thought it would be. and for a while, the thought of a certain boy wouldn't cross my mind.

that was until the semester was coming to an end, signifying finals and final projects. i should've seen it coming too, because things were going too well and with my luck, things were about to start going downhill.


"good afternoon, class!" professor yamada shouted, mumbled and scattered responses replied. "as you know the term is coming to an end and that will mean that i will be assigning final projects."

"and because this is a history class, i will want you to choose five different influencers of dance and photograph their known moves." a murmur of confusion arose.

"to help with stressing about the project, i will have it be done in partners."

partner work wasn't rare in professor yamada's class, he likes to have us come together and share ideas.

"but," the professor continued, "i will not be pairing you with your classmates in this class." the confusion was more prominent now.

"we will be working with professor aizawa's photography class, seeing as they would need work for their final project as well."

now, this was unheard of. professors combining their students finals? what could possibly go wrong..

"alright! well, aizawa and his class will be arriving shortly! in the meantime, please think about what dance figures you will be modelling."

after, the professor had dismissed us, i glanced over to mina, two rows down from mine.

"can you believe it!? i can't believe we getting to do a collab for our first project! i'm just glad i only have to pose and look pretty while my partner does most of my work." mina said, bounding up the steps towards me.

i laughed, "mina, you still have to research your figures. and plus, yamada will probably have us present our pictures and talk about them."

mina seemed to deflate, scooting me over to take a seat next to me. "ugh, i hate that you're probably right." mina inspected her nails. "anyways, i hope to get a good photographer. i could use new pictures for my insta feed."

i crinkle my nose at mina, playfully shoving her. a shouted greeting pulls my attention to the entrance of the classroom, noticing that new students start piling in, following a long haired, scruffy man.

my stomach dropped and i quickly turned to mina, "mina, isn't that the guy that chased us after the foundation incident?"

i watched mina squint down and after a moment, her eyes flickered in recognition. "oh my god, is he a professor here? i lowkey thought he was a crazy homeless man."

"okay, class! your partners have arrived, please settle down and listen to your name be called. when it's called please come down to the front to meet your partner and then you can head off to plan for the project." yamada announced before i could reply to mina.

mina held my hands in anticipation. we waited for a while, neither of our names being called.

"toru hagakure" read off the man that was professor aizawa.
professor yamada followed it with " and mina ashido!"

mina bounced down the stairs and joined a smaller girl. she was practically invisible compared to the rest of her class. mina turned back to me and waved, heading off to the right of the class with the girl.

a few names after mina's, mine was announced. i grabbed my bag, scooting out of the row.

"hitoshi shinso."


my step stuttered, my hand shooting out to the side of the desk to maintain my balance. i frantically glanced at aizawa's students.

a pair of purple eyes met mine.

shuddering, i continued to descend on the stairs, reaching the bottom.

a deep breath in, a shaky breath out.

i glanced up at the towering boy. his disinterested gaze lingered for a moment, then he turned away to find a seat. i followed, like a stupid lost puppy, struggling to keep my breathing even.

why did he have such an effect on me?

we sat a row below mina and her partner. she peeked over at shinso and then smirked, winking at me. i glanced over at shinso, who was pulling out a notebook and pen. returning mina's gaze, i shook my head at her.

"so, do you have any of your figures in mind?"

my heart nearly shot out of my ass, as my gaze shot back to shinso.

he was now staring at me. from this close, i could see his eye bags.

"um, no, not really. well, there is one.. i think." i fumbled out, his stare remained.

he lifted up an eyebrow and i realized, "i have enrique martinez in mind. he had originally choreographed the grand jeté and had it debut in 'coppélia'."

he seemed to jot down what i had just said, "and that's the only one you have, right now?"

i nodded, but then realized he couldn't see me. "yes."

"okay," he hummed, looking at the clock above the whiteboard. "well, i think we should exchange numbers." once more, my heart leaped.

"right.." trailing off, i reached into my bag to pull out my phone. unlocking it and sliding it across the table, shinso did the same. in silence, we typed our numbers out and returned the phones.

"alright, class! you all can head out now! please, don't try to leave the projects until last minute and make sure to communicate with your partner!" professor yamada dismissed.

shinso gathers his stuff once more and stands up. "i'll see you around, l/n."

"right." i acknowledged, saving his contact.

only until he walked away did i realize what he had said.



a/n: meooowww 😏 ! i hope this was worth the wait 🕴 hehe,, but yes, things may seem sort of confusing right now and i don't know how to write y/n's personality and it's kind of conflicting because i want her to argue and bite back at shinso and i also hate how she's very stuttery and flustered around shinso so i'm not sure how to write her... but trust! i will make her less shy and she'll hand shinso his ass on a platter 😩 but like always! thank u sm and take care! :))

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