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morning came and we all went out for breakfast. seeing as our group was big, we took up the biggest booth in the restaurant and even then were pressed against one another.

it was the warmth of the group, i think, that really made me appreciate this trip. there was the weird tension from katsuki aimed at shouto and izuku, everyone just seemed to overlook it though.

the ball didn't start until 5 in the evening and it was currently 10 in the morning so we didn't have much rushing to do.

"wait, so who else is showing up to the party?" hanta asked, taking a bite out of his hash browns.

"well, i know that yuga is coming. you know he never misses out on an opportunity to dress up and have others admire him." mina pointed out.

"i heard that a few sophomores might show up, and some juniors."

the mention of sophomores made me think of purple eyes for a second.

yikes, weird.

"well, we'll see at the party. hopefully, i can meet somebody here. imagine how cool of a love story that would be to tell our children." hanta's swooned into eijiro's side.

katsuki snickered, "no one's going to talk to you with that fugly ass suit, you freak."

hanta flipped him off.

izuku crinkled his nose and giggled on the other end of the table. katsuki shot his focus towards him.

"let's go ice skating, again?" kyoka proposed and a chorus of whining ensued from the boys. but that's what we went to do either way.


the boys seemed to be fast learners, improving from the last time they were on the ice. izuku was actually pretty good too, taking on the role of teaching the boys.

i stood on the outside of the rink, watching my friends skating. there were a few other people on the ice but we seemed to have taken to the rink at a good time.

denki had tapped out and came out to stand with me, leaning back against the ledge. "i don't know how they do it."

"maybe they have better stamina, smartie." i pinched his cheek softly.

"stamina, shnamia. i'm still a pretty good skater."

i cackled. "yeah, you are, kaminari."

he seemed pretty satisfied with my answer. i turned to look at him and for a second, i could've sworn i saw a glimpse of purple hair in the crowd behind him.

'maybe it's just a trend going around right now. yeah, trendy purple hair'

after about two hours, we headed back to the lodge. with only four hours left, we decided to start getting ready for the ball.


in true momo fashion, we ended up riding a limousine to where the ball was being hosted. denki and eijiro seemed to be having a field day with the little drinks bar. katsuki had actually decided to join us, in a black suit with an orange and green tie.

the whole group was separated and seated in two different tables, though they were right by each other. our stomachs growled, no longer distracted by the buzzing excitement of getting prepared, so we headed towards what seemed like the food hall.

long tables of gourmet meals lined the wall. the thick aroma of each and every one of the wafted in the air and made their way up into our heads.

"oh wow, you guys are gonna have to roll me out of here tonight."

𝙧𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙡𝙚𝙨𝙨 - 𝙝. 𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙤𝙪Where stories live. Discover now