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holidays were spent back home. exchanging gifts with my mom, hoshi coming by with the two kids, a missing shinou very apparent. new years, however, was just me and my mom.

but soon after that, break was over and i needed to make my way back to campus.


"gosh, it's so weird being back on campus after such a long break." mina draws, stretching out on the couch.

i laugh and agree with her. "yeah, i know! but i'm kind of excited to get back to dance, y'know?"

"oh my god! bro, i'm looking forward to that big show the whole dance crews plan out, you know what i'm talking about?" mina was buzzing now. she was always energetic when it came to dance, it's one of the things that make her such a great dancer.

"that's one of the things Yuuei is known for, how can i not know?" i laughed.

"hmm, yeah, you have a point. but i'm just thinking about how much stricter our classes are gonna be." and just with that thought, mina melts and slouches into the couch once more.


like mina predicted, classes were stricter. it was only our second term at Yuuei, two more left after this one, and we were expected to be able to move at a faster pace.

back with mistress kayama, she was preparing us for a piece we were to perform in april.

she had even announced that we would be working in groups and choreographing our own pieces for the Yuuei show that would take place in july.


it had only been a week back at school but i had yet to see shinsou. i felt silly for thinking about it, seeing as he had his own classes to worry about, especially since he was in his second year.

but almost like i had jinxed it, i ran into him during the weekend.



the name sent a shiver down my spine, remnants of the biting cold from our last encounter somehow present.

when i turned to face him, he was waving off a group of people.

he jogged up then stood in front of me, "hey."

there was a hint of nervousness in his voice and i couldn't help but find it entertaining. "hi."

"are you headed somewhere right now?" he put his hands in his pockets.

"yeah, i was going to head to the studios." i answered, "dance stuff."

"ah, want company down there?" the question caught me off guard and i think shinsou caught it since he added to his comment. "or just company on the walk there, that's fine too."

"oh, no, it's just that.. i.. um.. yeah i guess company would be nice."

"you don't have to agree, you know?" he chuckled. "it's fine if you say no."

i gulped, "no, really, it's fine."

"alright." i nodded and we fell into a step.

"so," i started and out of the corner of my eye, i could see shinsou throw a small glance at me. "how have your classes been?"

"it's only the second week back so not so bad. but i know it's only prone to get harder."

i locked eyes with him and offered what i hoped was a reassuring nod.

it was only my first year, and hell, only my second term at Yuuei. i couldn't truly sympathize with shinsou because i didn't know much.

"just be careful, okay? it's so easy to lose yourself once the pressure starts coming down." he murmured, words soft.

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