final author's note !

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first of all : ahhhhhhhh! ruthless has finally come to an end and it is so much for me to process! i hope the ending was okay and finished off well ! i was planning on finishing ruthless around the thirty-fifth chapter but i decided to continue it a bit more.

quick notes on the last two chapters: i had no idea how to end it so i decided to summarize a few moments between y/n and shinsou to get to the important ones of him asking her to move in together and essentially proposing. and for the epilogue, i didn't want to force a kid onto y/n once case some of you guys don't really like the idea of that but i did just put it out there as an option for those who did, you know? it was sort of like a 50/50 settlement ! but yeah :)

this is the first ever "x reader" book i've written with a plot and have completed. i had never really dabbled in "x reader", for no real reason but picking it up was something i did on whim.

i began ruthless as a half joke but dedicated myself to it because i found myself invested in it to the extent that i had made a timeline following the story and even assigned majors to characters we didn't see too much of in the story along with giving pro heroes jobs at Yuuei.

i felt that my writing style diminished in quality after the first half of the book but despite that, i'm very glad i even went through with the small idea that was ruthless because now i have a whole doc full of prompts and ideas that i'd like to get to someday and share with all of you (that is, if you're still interested in seeing anymore my work, of course!)

anyways, before this note gets longer than it needs to be, i'll sign off for the last time.

i want to thank every single one of you for the support you've shown ruthless. from voting on every single chapter, to commenting and keeping me motivated with your entertaining commentary, or the simple but extremely appreciated act of adding ruthless to your lists. and if not that, just the fact that you read ruthless and got to the end!

i love you all and cannot thank you enough. if this is the last i'll see of you, i want to remind you to stay safe and take care.

with utmost appreciation and love, mimi aka angsty_star <3

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