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y/n had a harder time than necessary trying to save hitoshi shinso's contact. the problem was the contact name.

shinso and her had never respected each other enough to call each other by their given names; it was always just last names.

so now, she was stuck. it seemed like shinso had decided to ignore their past for now, probably best since they'll be working together for a while.

after a while of contemplating, y/n settled on the purple circle emoji. why choose a name when you can use emojis?


"just text him already!" exclaimed mina, sitting crossed legged on my bed.

i looked up at her from my room's floor. "mina, what am i supposed to say?"

"he's literally your project partner! just ask when he's free or something."

i stretched my legs in from of me, reaching for my toes. "i don't know, i feel kinda weird."

"y/n! i know it would be weird but you told me yourself he didn't seem like he still hates you." mina sighs, falling to the side and laying on the bed.

"i think he's just trying to be civilized for the project. wouldn't you hate someone who you bullied and who bullied you back?" i folded myself over my legs.

mina hummed in thought. "i don't know, i'd probably bang it out with them."

"mina!" i shot up, heat starting to rise on my cheeks.

her melodic laughter filled the room, "what! imagine how hot the sex would be."

i sat up and slip into a half pigeon pose. i focused on my breath to avoid thinking about sex with shi-

i shuddered.

"don't tell me you think sex with him would be so bad. he's kinda fine." mina snickered, watching for my reaction. my silence seemed to be an answer enough.

"oh my god, you would totally bang him! i knew it! i wasn't gonna say anything, but you were defs ogling him in yamada's class." mina chattered.

"mina, i'm kicking you out of my room. get out." i said, standing up.

mina sighed dramatically and snuggled deeper into my bed. "you love me too much to kick me out."

we stared at each other, then mina grinned and held her arms out. i huffed and joined her on the bed.

"see, i told you." she beamed.

"shut up." i said, with no bite behind it.


it was sometime in the early morning when my phone rang and woke me up.

i answered without checking the caller
id, thinking it was probably denki or eijiro calling because of some stupid reason.

"i swear, if you guys need me to bail you out agai-"


i felt my tongue become heavy, my heart skipping a beat.

i swallowed, "hello?"

"can we talk?" the voice on the other end asked.

"um," i sat up in the darkness, "right now?"

silence and then, rustling. "there's a coffee place a few blocks from the dorms. can you meet me there?"

"i think so..." i said, trailing off.

"i'll send you the location." and with that, the call ended. i glanced around the room.

'no way that happened.'
'i think i dreamt all of that'

𝙧𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙡𝙚𝙨𝙨 - 𝙝. 𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙤𝙪Where stories live. Discover now