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"y/n! you got company!" mina announced, too loudly, from the living room.

"mina, give me like five minutes." i mumbled to myself and only closed my eyes for five seconds before mina came to bang at my door.

"y/n," she peeked her head in, "i'll distract them for five minutes but you should really come see them."

the tone of mina's voice has me worried. she would rarely get jittery but once i got up from my bed, i noticed she was fidgeting with a towel from the kitchen.

"i'll be out in three, mina." i tried to reassure her but she simply nodded and retreated from the door.

making sure to brush my teeth in a timed hast, i was only able to brush a quick hand through my hair and splash my face with water. patting my face dry, i headed out to see who my mystery visitor was.

much to their own comfort, they were sitting on the edge of one of our couches in the living room. the dorms weren't too big, allowing me to catch mina's eyes in the kitchen as i walked down the hall.

"good morning," i greeted the unwelcome visitor.

hazel eyes shone in vie, "good morning, y/n. i hate to impose on you like this but i was wondering if we could have a moment."

my mind couldn't help but wonder how the hell hesa found out where i lived.

"i've got plans in a little bit so please make this quick," i lied with little hesitation.

the girl smiled. was this even a situation to be smiling in? "of course! i won't be but a moment."

unconvinced, i sat down across from her.

"so," she began, "you and hitoshi?"

"what about it?"

"are the two of you together?"

i couldn't help but frown at her. "what's it to you?"

"woah, hey now. i was just asking a question, no need to get all defensive. i've noticed a change in hitoshi, i wasn't sure what it was about until he started mentioning some girl." hesa's sentence became bitter towards the end. "and then here you are, prancing around in the library with him and then he's got you all up under his arm at a party."

"so you're jealous?" i questioned, hesa's motives becoming real clear at the moment.

"what would i be jealous of? you?" she chuckled dryly. "no, i don't think so."

i rolled my eyes, "then what?"

hesa then leans in, as close as she can being across from me, and whispers. "i'm here to warn you."


"you haven't been there for hitoshi the way i have, y/n. you don't deserve him and i'm here to remind you. you're going to back off and leave him alone so things could go back to the way they were, without you in the picture."

i tried, i really tried to hold in my laugh but her seriousness in the situation was comedic. the look of surprise on her face was also pretty worth it.

"what the hell are you laughing at?" she was practically turning red and whether it was from anger or embarrassment, i wasn't sure.

my sides began to hurt from the laughter and i wiped a stray tear from my eye. "i'm.. haha, wait.. i'm sorry. give me a second."

i took a deep breath to finally calm myself, "right. i'm not sure if this is a prank or you're just going a bit delusional, i mean i don't blame you, but shinsou and i are together. and even if i did leave him, are you sure he would want you?"

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