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after a few hours of driving, i had finally made it back to my hometown. i settled into the familiarity of the streets and various shops surrounding me. the neighborhoods were familiar and i made my way to my own street.

my house hasn't anything big or gracious, but it had housed me and my mom for years and for that i was thankful.

i pulled into the driveway, next to my mom's car. my mom must've been waiting for me, watching for a window or hearing my car pull in, because she had greeted me outside of the house.

"welcome home, sweetheart." she held her arms open and i hugged her.

there was something so comforting about being with her, back in her presence.

"let's hurry up inside and get you some dinner. you look like you haven't eaten a good meal in a while." she hurried me into the house, ignoring all of the luggage in my car.

my mom hadn't know about the late night food runs with mina and denki or how often i ate out with the squad, but i was constantly on the move as a dancer at Yuuei.

the thought of that sent a pang of guilt, a dancer but my mom didn't know.

"mom, what about my bags?"

"i'll help you bring those in after dinner! come on, don't think i'll let you off so easy. i'm going to put you to work in this kitchen."

dinner was made to music and conversation, with my mom and i working in our yellow lit kitchen. spices filled the air and the sizzling of oil slick pans served as the background noise for us.

a small radio, one that my mom treasured, provided the music and when a song my mom liked came on, she dropped what she was doing and pulled me to dance with her.

this was how it had started, playful dancing in the kitchen with my mom had sparked my love for dance. it was something intimate to me, something i only shared with her.

maybe it was the fact that it had just been me and her growing up.

the song ended and we got back to cooking the food. i hurried her with a laugh, reminding her of my bags in the car.


dinner like always was good, no complaints about my mom's food. like she promised, my mom helped me bring my things up to my room.

my room hadn't changed much since i had left it. my old bed was still pushed to the corner of the room, with the window seats joining the mattress.

the few posters i had left taped to my walls were still there, along with the fairy lights strung against top of the walls.

all of my things were placed on the made bed, so i could sort things out into the closet and lone drawer in my room.

the memory of the promise to mina quickly crossed my mind and i pulled out my phone to send her a quick text.

i busied myself with folding clothes into the drawer but gave up halfway and just shoved my suitcase and bags onto a corner in the room and laid in the now unoccupied bed.

i scrolled on my phone for a while, popping my head up when i heard some sort of commotion. i crawled onto the seat and looked down out my window. someone's car was pulling up, parking behind my car in the driveway.

the sun was setting outside but i could make out a few figures getting out of the car. a woman was getting a small child out of her car seat, with a little boy pulling at the woman's pants. there was older, taller boy who picked up the boy, slinging him over his shoulder. i could hear the faint giggles and shrieking of the kid, slightly tuned out through the glass. i watched the figures come towards the house and heard the bell ring, when it finally hit me.

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