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Yuuei's breaks worked differently than most. so instead of just a week during november, i was going to be home until the second week of december. i had talked it over with my mom and she had been fine with me going back to campus for two weeks and then coming back for christmas.

i was heading back to Yuuei to see mina. me and her had been exchanging texts almost daily, calls every now and then. mina had planned a small get away with a few girls she knew and she had invited me, more like demanded i came, but either way it sounded like a cool idea and things with mina were always interesting.


two weeks had passed since i had last seen shinsou. not much had happened since then. my mom had dragged me out to do some shopping, not so convinced by my borrowed wardrobe from mina. while we were out, i also browsed for possible gifts for the group. i hadn't known them for that long, but they had taken me in as one of their weird own and i was glad to have met them.

there were a handful of other things my mom and i had done but it came time to say bye once more.

the day before i was supposed to drive back home, i got a call from mina.

"y/n!" a cheery voice greeted.

"hey, mina."

"okay! so there's been a change of plans and i think i'm actually going to come pick you up tomorrow."

"wait, you're coming here? as in my house?" i asked, sitting up in my bed.

"yeaahhhh," mina drew out. "is that okay?"

"oh, yeah. of course, i just wasn't expecting that." i thought about my mom. "though, i think my mom might want to meet you if she finds out you're coming over."

mina squealed at the other end of the line, another muffled voice present too. she quietly apologized and answered me in a quieter tone. "oh my god, i'd totally be down to meet your mom, though!"

i chuckled softly at her antics and apparent excitement, "okay, i'll let her know tomorrow morning. i'll send my address right now though."

"okay! goodnight, y/n!" she half-whispered.



the next morning i had gotten up early. my bags were already packed, new clothes inside, and i moved them downstairs, near the door. my mom wasn't up yet so i decided to make her breakfast.

i wasn't even done cutting up some potatoes before my mom was already down stairs.

she wrapped her robe around her body, leaning over to place a kiss on my cheek. "good morning, sweetheart."

"morning, mom." i continued with my potatoes, before i placed a pan on the stove and turning the heat up.

"why are you making breakfast? i thought you were driving back to school today?" my mom asked, digging around in the fridge.

"oh, about that. i think my friend's actually going to come pick me up later."

i watched my mom pop her head out of the fridge. "wait, your friend's coming over?"

"uhm, yeah. to pick me up, mom. please don't st-"

"oh no, i have to clean this house. how long until she gets here?" my mom asked, already making her way into the living room.

"moommm," i whined. "she's only coming to pick me up. please don't over do yourselves by cleaning the whole house. she's not going to inspect every room."

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