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the day had started off peacefully. the resurgence of droning college students with morning classes filled the campus with their tired, hungry bodies. many of them were either trying to find a place to eat or manoeuvring the campus on their way to class.

shinsou and i had made plans to meet up later that day, after both of our classes were done with. like always, Yuuei wasted no time to busy its students with the return of a new term and all of us could only hope for our testing to go well and for the year to be over.

i was currently dozing off in professor yamada's class as mina busied herself by doodling on my forearm.

"tada!" she exclaimed, jolting me out of my sleep while also alarming the students surrounding us.

with a sheepish apology, she turned back to her own paper to quickly sprawl the notes of the board before yamada erased them.

laying my head on the window to my left, i watched all the tiny students pass by.

"psst, y/n." i glanced at mina where she was writing notes, multitasking to whisper  to me.

"yes, mina?"

"aren't you hanging out with hitoshi, today?"

a student to our right shushed us harshly. mina glared at the back of their head before continuing, "did you guys ever talk about that one incident at the movies?"

mina didn't have to clarify any further as i knew what she was talking about. some time around november, i had seen shinsou with some girl acting very friendly towards one another. to say it hadn't bothered me was a lie but at the time, i was in no place to get mad at shinsou.

"yeah, i mean no. we're hanging out today but no, i haven't brought up the movie theater incident."

while mina took the time to admire her work, she nodded in thought. "well, let me know if you ever do end up doing that, i want to know what the whole thing was about too."

i playfully shoved her shoulder, "yeah, yeah, mina. i know you and hanta are always eager for a taste of gossip."

with a small snicker, she smiled brightly. before she was able to respond, professor yamada was loudly calling the class to an end.

following mina as she bopped down the stairs, she waited for me at the end before she interlocked our elbows together.

"i'm kind of hungry and i don't think we have many groceries at home, so let's just get something to go?" mina held a finger to her chin in thought.

"yeah, what are you in the mood for?" i asked, thinking about what would be the cheapest thing for us to get.

"i was just about to ask you that! hm, let me think... we haven't had chinese food in a while. let's go to that shop near hanta's place! we can even drop by and check up on him." mina looked at me expectedly to confirm our plans.

nodding, she led us back to the apartment parking lot so we could grab one of our cars to make the trip in.

"while we're at it," i began, "we can stop for groceries on our way back home."

"ooh, good idea."


mina had made a quick call to hanta as we drove to his house. he gave us his order over the phone, mentioning that we had to pay for it if we were going to crash as his place. laughing off the trade, we agreed and assured him we would take care of it.

a quick glance at the clock in mina's car let me know that i had a few hours before my planned meeting with shinsou.

"do you know what you're ordering, y/n?"

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