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the final week was easy to get through. all of my finals were already turned in and my teachers only held class to go over what the units after break would hold for us.

everyday leading up to saturday grew an anxious bubble in my stomach. i had a lot more free time to spend at home, using it to pack a few bags and a suitcase for when i left. a surprising amount were mina's clothes, the same way some of my clothes were in her bags.

i had called my mom on wednesday, letting her know i would be going back home. there was the whole debacle about faking my major but there was nothing more i wanted to do than to be back in my mother's presence.

i hadn't had much time to call my mom before, only being able to shoot a few texts her way. but now, the guilt was slowly starting to be felt.

another thing i spent doing in my free time was just 'self-care' esque things, like decluttering my room and running a bath.

i spent time alone, knowing that i wouldn't be able to get much back home.

and on friday, i received a text.


>> hey

i had tried to ignore the contact as much as possible but i figured the text was bound to come.


>> hey

hey <<

>> so have u thought about it yet?

i knew what he was referring to but some part of me hoped that he wouldn't even re-acknowledge it.


oh <<
yeah <<
something came up n i won't be headed home this weekend <<

>> oh
>> okay
>> that's unfortunate

yeah <<
have a safe trip tho <<

>> yeah, thanks
>> try to get home soon
>> don't want to leave ur mom waiting

haha <<
yeah <<

the conversation quickly ended after that.

did i feel guilty about lying to shinso? no. not really.

i just hope that i wouldn't get caught up in my lies.

but there wasn't anything left to linger on there, i had to make sure my things were in order for my trip back home.

mina and i had made a few trips from our dorms to the parking lot to leave our stuff in our cars. a few other students in our building were doing the same.

"are you nervous to go back home?" mina asked, as she handed me another bag of my luggage.

"i don't think so, not really. i miss my mom, if i'm being honest." i admitted, closing my trunk. "what about you?"

"nah, i'm really excited to go back! i can't wait to see my family." mina was cheerful and i could tell she really loved her family.

"make sure you call me at least twice, okay?" mina stuck out her pinky expectantly.

i chuckled softly and interlocked our pinkies. "okay, i will."

we made it back to our dorms and made dinner, watching a tv show together for the last time for a while.


the morning came and with it, the chattering of students bustling to go home. break had officially started, given it was a saturday, and the campus was buzzing.

i got to say goodbye to mina, catching her eating breakfast. as she offered me some, i declined, explaining that i would get something later.

we locked our dorm's door behind us, walking towards eijiro's and katsuki's dorm.

"hey babes." mina greeted, the boy's door was propped open and the two were shuffling around.

"morning mina, y/n." eijiro greeted, shoving some garbage into a trash bag.

"what are you guys up to?" i asked, but it was pretty apparent.

"i'm getting this shitty haired freak to clean after himself before he leaves." katsuki growled and i noticed a rolled up newspaper in his hand.

"you're not leaving campus, katsuki?" i pondered, thinking he would at least go to see his dad.

"no, my old hag is nagging me to but why would i even go?" katsuki plopped down on the couch.

i hummed. "alright, well be safe and don't do anything dumb. my line is open from 10 a.m to 11 p.m if you need any guidance."

i snickered at myself and katsuki crossed his arms.

"yeah, you be safe too, i guess."

"alright, well, mina and i are both off. be safe you guys. have a fun trip, ei." mina and i said our goodbyes to the boys and walked off to our cars.

mina and i hugged in the lot. "okay, bye! drive safe. take care, call me, text me when you get home."

mina rambled off, her concern was endearing.

"okay, okay. mina, i already promised i would call." i tightened my hug, "you take care too, okay?"

i could feel mina nodding her head. we pulled away from the hug and waved.

"i will text you, okay? but if you get home before me, text me too!" i shouted at her retreating figure. one last look at the pretty girl and i headed into my car.

i connected my phone to my bluetooth and picked a random playlist to play. i pulled out of the parking lot and my stomach filled with butterflies.

i couldn't wait to go home.


a/n: boom,, okay!! so basically i defs did want shinso and y/n to go home together but then i thought,, why not make things harder 😏😏
n e ways,, i'm not sure how i'm going to write out the next few chapters but yeah. also,, yes i dont have a good relationship w my mom n yes,, i'm using y/n to have one 😩 but yeah,, thank u like always and take care n stay safe!! <3 :))

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