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"let's go to the beach."

"huh?" denki questioned, springing up from the couch.

"yeah," mina rolled her eyes, "let's go to the beach tomorrow. it's supposed to be hotter than it is today and look at how the heat has us now.

mina gestured her hand at the group, all splayed out on hanta's living room floor. summer was making its presence known with its blazing heat and incapacitating waves.

"and plus, we can invite kyoka and her friends! it's been a while since we all hung out, hasn't it?"

we all hummed in thought, the promise of a cool body of water doing a good job of convincing us.

"and y/n can bring her boyfriend!" denki giggled with a grin on his face.

i threw one of the other boys' shirts at him and watched as he caught it with ease. "shut up, denki, shinsou isn't.. he isn't my boyfriend."

too busy enjoying the resolve between shinsou and i, the lack of labels on our 'relationship' wasn't something i noticed until now.

"anyways," i changed the topic, "i'm on board with the plan for the beach, you nerds coming or what?"

"yeah, the beach sounds good!" eijiro chirped cheerfully.

"yeah, katsuki and i can make something to bring for lunch if we're going to be spending lunch there." hanta offered.

mina clapped her hands together, an idea painting her features. "omg, let's have a bonfire! we can buy marshmallows and make s'mores."

"the beach should be cool enough for that at night." i offered. "kyoka and the others can pitch in with anything we can't cover."

"alright, sounds like a plan!"


after constant nagging from mina and the boys, i texted shinsou asking if he wanted to join us for the beach adventure.

instead of getting an immediate response from him, i got a call at a later time.

"hey, y/n." he greeted, pulling a grin out of me with those simple words.

"hi, did you get my text?" i shooed denki away as he curiously approached me.

"yeah, i was calling about that. i'm not going to be able to go."


denki was by my ear, pushing his own to my phone in an attempt to eavesdrop.

"what's he saying?" the blond mouthed to me.

"right," i ignored denki, "that's fine. i doubt you'll miss out on much."

"y/n, i was joking." shinsou said and i wondered what he looked like on the other end, "i was just calling to ask about what i should buy. i'm at the store with izuku and tenya and it's getting a bit out of hand."

as if on cue, i could hear a worried voice exchanging with a rowdy one.

"izuku, watch where you-" a crash interrupted shinsou's warning.

"we just knocked down like three displays, i'll call you back later." shinsou huffed, amusement apparent under his voice however.

i laughed softly. "alright, bye."

"bye, y/n."

"so you're telling me you guys aren't dating but that's the way you talk to each other?" denki spoke up, if he hadn't i would've forgotten he was there, despite him being practically melting into my side.

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