1.There's a problem...

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Xiao Zhan was going through some of the designs he was working on for a new client when he heard a soft knock on his door. "Come in", he called out aware of who the person might be. The door opened revealing Yubin, the person Zhan considered his closest friend and who also happened to be his 'protector'. Xiao Zhan was a descendant of one of the oldest packs in the country and since ages there was a tradition in their pack. Every member of the Alpha family had a 'Protector', including the Alpha pair. A protector was much more than just a regular bodyguard. They went through a blood ritual, tying their lives to their Master. If the one they protected died then the protector followed his master as well, ending his own life too. The Master's life wasn't linked to the protector which was truly hypocritical in Zhan's view but it was what it was. Yubin had been seven when he had gone through the ritual while Xiao Zhan was only three. That had been over twenty years ago and since then, Yubin had been Zhan's shadow following him everywhere. Over the years, they had become closer and now were the best of friends and utterly protective  of each other.
The Yunmeng pack was led by Xiao Zhan's uncle, Luo Jian Min. His father and his uncle were half-brothers, had the same father and the two were really close.

Xiao Zhan had been only two when in an attack by the cougars his mother and father had been killed. According to his uncle, the cougars had attacked out of nowhere when his father had been driving them home. Zhan didn't remember the incident due to his tender age but he had heard about the brutal killing of his parents and their protectors over the years. He had been injured too and although he had survived, the incident had traumatized his wolf and as a result,his wolf never surfaced. So now at the age of twenty four, he lived with his uncle, aunt, his cousins and sixty other pack members on the Yunmeng pack territory. The people welcomed Zhan with open arms. His uncle had taken him in as his own,his cousins took him under their wing but his aunt had never accepted him.

"Zhan, the Alpha has called for you. He has something important to discuss", the words brought Zhan to the present and he sorted the papers and left the room with Yubin following him. Their pack territory wasn't huge but it was more than enough for their small pack. The place was surrounded by thick trees and everyone had their own house in the area. They were more like a close-knit family but had enough privacy. As wolves,they had heightened senses and the separate lodges kept their ears and noses out of each other's business.
They reached his uncle's house and like always his uncle's protector greeted him and ushered him into his Uncle's study. A whiff of air made him realise that it was only his uncle and Zhuocheng inside. Yubin stayed outside and Zhan pushed the doors of the study open. His eyes fell on his uncle and brother and he smiled. His uncle was a soft-hearted man but that side of him was only for his family. To the outside world, the Alpha of the Yunmeng pack was extremely fierce and had the reputation of being the best tracker in their world. It was indeed hard to hide from Jian Min,"the hunter" as people called him because those intelligent eyes missed nothing. Zhuocheng had inherited the same talent and being next in line, Zhan knew his cousin would make a great Alpha. Zhuocheng was often described as arrogant and hot-headed which was almost considered complimentary for an Alpha. Not everyone knew tha beneath that cold exterior was a man who had just grown up earlier than most children. He had to fill in his father's shoes and that left no room for fun or mistakes. Zhuocheng cared for his family deeply and was extremely protective of Zhan. "Uncle, A-Cheng", he greeted happily while getting seated. "Zhan, Yubin informed me you were working but this was urgent." His uncle appeared somewhat tensed and Zhan sat up straighter in his chair. "It's alright, uncle. What happened?", he asked worriedly and his uncle stood up from his seat. "The Wangs broke the alliance they had with us. The Lan pack will no longer provide its support to us." Zhan and Zhuocheng stood up in an instant surprised by the news. "But why? ", asked a perplexed Zhan and Zhuocheng questioned his father too. "The Lan pack has had an alliance with us for decades, what changed now? "

Jian Min let out a deep sigh. He had expected a reaction like this from them. "My sources told me that the new Alpha took over half a year ago. He replaced his father and a lot has changed in the Lan territory. You might have heard about the attack that happened on them a year ago. As soon as Wang Yibo came into power, he withdrew his support from the packs he deemed unprofitable, us being one of them", he explained with a grim face and wheels started turning in Zhan's head. "That ruthless jerk ", spat out a very angry Zhuocheng and Zhan patted his shoulder to ease some of his anger.  "What will be the impact on us? ", queried Zhan directly his eyes trained on his uncle. "The Wens left us alone all these years and Wangs were a reason for it. Now that the alliance is over, it won't take long for them to invade our territory", deadpanned his uncle and Xiao Zhan chewed on his lip in worry.

The Wens had had a rift with them for years now. The Yunmeng lands were prosperous and said to have magic in it. They had never lacked for anything and were happy in their small territory. The Yunmeng pack had the most omegas among all the packs. It was known all around that the wolves in Yunmeng territory worshipped their lands and that their ancestors blessed them with longevity and fertility. Even when the omegas had become somewhat rare all around, Yunmeng had never had that issue. People often said that Yunmeng lands had magic in them and that was the reason for it. The truth was, they took care of the omegas and treated them with the best medical care but a folklore was more interesting and people believed that myth more than the facts. Over the years, the numbers of the Wens had dwindled due to less omegas and the beasts had resorted to raping young omegas and forcefully breeding them to increase their numbers. When the matter had come to notice of bigger packs, they had taken smaller ones under their wings and protected them. The Wens were clearly miffed by this.
The horrible tales still scared little omegas, such was the brutality of the Wens. No one really knew how or when but the Wens had heard about the supposed "magic" in Yunmeng and a bloodbath had happened. Their grandfathers had defeated the Wens but even now, the Wens kept looking for opportunities to claim Yunmeng land as theirs and had attacked them thrice over the years. Till now, the Lan pack had come to their aid. Wang Zi Teng, the former Alpha and his uncle had formed a verbal alliance that had lasted for three decades without any problem and kept them safe. Now, Wang Yibo had changed his mind and if this issue wasn't resolved, their entire pack was going to perish.

"We should try to convince Wang Yibo", said Zhan but the look on his uncle's face told him it was easier said than done. Zhan frowned trying to think of something else but Zhuocheng tapped his nose and ruffled his hair. " Zhan-Zhan, don't worry. I am here, right? I will find a way", Zhuocheng said confidently and Zhan gave him a small smile. This was Zhuocheng. Always making sure than the burdens fell on him and Zhan remained carefree. "I know, A-Cheng. We will be alright", responded Zhan with a smile. "I am reaching out to others, Yu Chen has agreed to help. They are far from us but at this point we will take all the help we need." His uncle's words were serious and Zhuocheng spoke again, "We will still need the Wangs to back us", he pointed out and Zhan nodded at his words. "I have tried to contact Wang Yibo but till now, there is no response." Zhan saw the underlying worry in his uncle's voice and his tired face reflected how tensed he was. "The reason I called you guys here is that I need to prepare for the worst. Cheng you need to make sure out defences are impenetrable and Zhan you need to tell everyone about what could happen. You are good with words and that will make the transition easier." Xiao Zhan nodded his agreement and the brothers walked out to carry out their Alpha orders.

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